[NFBCS] solar and space weather

Doug Lee dgl at dlee.org
Sat May 11 02:38:56 UTC 2024

Cool stuff! Question though: I hit F5 (Refresh) every few minutes but only saw the latest SEP event,
timestamped 22:10 Eastern (my conversion of course), at 22:35 Eastern. I think that means that there is a
delay between event and posting, but my question is, how much is that, and how much could be a web caching
issue instead?

Also, if you have a quota limit on that API and have a preference how often people refresh, please let me
know and I will honor it.

Thanks much for sharing and best of luck with your weather app.

On Fri, May 10, 2024 at 08:04:42PM -0400, NFBCS mailing list wrote:
if you are interested in the extreme solar weather currently happening, i have made a solar and space weather page from data i retrieve from the nasa API.

it is very straightforward and text based.
the descriptions of the solar events are written in very technical jargon.


the coding necessary to gather data like this is an interest of mine.
i have written other web apps to show the nasa picture of the day that also has a full text description.


i am now working on a national weather service app to show the full text of weather alerts.


Doug Lee                 dgl at dlee.org                http://www.dlee.org
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things of this sort ever brought into the world?'"
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