<p dir="ltr">I'm running into an issue, and have for about the past month or so. my wordpress.com blog, which I've had for the past several years, has now been switched to the block editor. I have created several types of content, such as headings and premium content, however I'm experiencing on a semi regular basis the fact that certain paragraphs go missing. They don't appear in previews, and they don't appear when I go to edit my blocks. However, when I publish the post, or access the draft on my phone, the paragraph that was missing has seemingly reappeared. To make things more interesting, when I go to remove the paragraph, because I have already rewritten it or decided I didn't want it anyway, it removes the content that I actually want to post. it is incredibly aggravating, discouraging, and taking away a lot of the Joy from blogging. If anybody has some suggestions of things to try, I'm all ears!</p>
<p dir="ltr">Daryl</p>