[Nfbf-l] FW: PAC Plan Form LBP00P

Kathy Davis kdavisnfbf at cfl.rr.com
Fri Nov 14 03:53:49 UTC 2008

Hi Gina and All,


Gina, as chair of the PAC Program for Florida, I wanted to share the below
information with you. Also, NFBF leaders, please try to encourage some
participation in PAC amongst your members and even chapters can participate.


Thanks so much,






From: Wilson, Joanne [mailto:JWilson at nfb.org] 
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2008 1:59 PM
To: Alpidio Rolon - Puerto Rico; Amy Buresh - Nebraska; Anil Lewis -
Georgia; Art Stevenson - Oregon; Beth Rival - Connecticut; Bob Kresmer -
Arizona; Carl Jacobsen - New York; Carl Jacobsen - New York 2; Cathy Jackson
- Kentucky; Charlene Smyth - West Virginia; Christine Hall - New Mexico; Dan
Burke - Montana; dticchi at comcast.net; Debbie Briddell - Delaware; Donald
Galloway - District of Columbia; Donna Wood - Kansas; Elsie Lamp - Idaho;
Franklin Shiner - Vermont; Fred Wurtzel - Michigan; Fredric K. Schroeder -
Virginia; Gary H. Ray - North Carolina; Gary Wunder - Missouri; J.W. Smith -
Ohio; James Antonacci - Pennsylvania; Jennelle Bichler - North Dakota;
Jennifer Dunnam - Minnesota; Jerree Harris - Arkansas; Joe Ruffalo - New
Jersey; John Fritz - Wisconsin; Joie Stuart; Kathy Davis - Florida; Ken
Rollman - South Dakota; Kevan Worley; Lisa Bonderson; Marie Johnson - New
Hampshire; Mary Willows - California; Michael Barber - Iowa; Michael Freeman
- Washington; Michael Gosse - Maryland; Michael Huckaby; Michael Seay-
Tennessee; Mike Klimisch; Minnie Walker - Alabama; Nani Fife - Hawaii; Pam
Dubel Allen - Louisiana; Parnell Diggs - South Carolina; Patti Gregory-Chang
- Illinois; Ramona Walhof (Idaho); Richard Gaffney - Rhode Ilsand; Richard
Gaffney - Rhode Island (2); Ron Brown - Indiana; Ron Gardner - Utah; Ron
Gardner - Utah President; Sally Laughlin - Maine; Sam Gleese - Mississippi;
Scott LaBarre - Colorado; Selena Sundling-Crawford - Oklahoma; Sharon
Maneki; Sharon Newton; Sheila Wright - Missouri contact; Steven Priddle -
Alaska; Terri Rupp - Nevada; Tim Jones - North Carolina; Tom Page (per Suzie
Stanzel's request); Tommy Craig - Texas
Subject: PAC Plan Form LBP00P


For your information. New PAC card available. See attached PDF.

Thanks. Joanne



From: Ringlein, Ellen 
Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2008 5:26 PM
To: Wilson, Joanne
Subject: FW: PAC Plan Form LBP00P

Hi Joanne,


Attached is the revised PAC Plan Form as a PDF. The contents has not changed
much.  However, the layout has been simplified, so it's clearer what
category to check, when someone is submitting changes.  Please share this
PDF with our state presidents and chapter presidents as you deem
appropriate.  Hard copies are, of course, also available through the
Independence Market.  Thanks,



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