[Nfbf-l] Extreme Makeover-Home Edition

Debby B bwbddl at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 21 13:41:44 UTC 2009

Wanted to share with everyone that Extreme Makeover-Home Edition is doing an episode on a family in Tallahassee, FL. They called me for input on what they should do for the 14yo daughter who, like Winona, was adopted from China as a blind child. Between our input and the NFB tech office, she should have a fabulous techie dream of supplies, games, etc. I spoke with them at length about NOT doing textured walls and floors, but about focusing on things that would assist normal daily living. They told me it was mandated from the top that they do the textures, but the woman I spoke with is trying to talk them out of that. I told her a few funny little stories of things we've done that show how unnecessary it is, so we'll see what happens. If they do that, please don't shoot me, I tried to talk them out of it!

Winona has been wanting a "beach" room, so I'm going to call the lady back with ideas we saw elsewhere for incorporating textures in a normal, productive way. 

You can watch the progress this week at www.myddeltonparker.com In the upper right corner is a link to Extreme Makeover. The episode should air in late March, early April. If you hear a date, let me know. We don't have tv, so I'll have to go elsewhere to watch it.

She's also going to put me in touch with the family since our girls are near the same age. I told her about convention in May and that we would love to have the family attend.

Hopefully a positive experience, and positive publicity for NFB, NFBF, and NFBF-Parents!

For those of you who pray, please keep the family in your prayers. Dad has brain cancer and was hospitalized yesterday. Home demo begins today.

bwbddl at yahoo.com

Please support Braille literacy and programs for our youth by sponsoring me in
the Motor City March for Independence! Better yet, join the team of the FL Parents of Blind Children!


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