[Nfbf-l] Exciting Day!!
Marion & Martin
swampfox1833 at verizon.net
Sun Mar 8 09:53:05 UTC 2009
I want to thank you publicly for the hard work and countless hours you
generously give to this organization! You are an invaluable asset and it is
always a pleasure working with you! I would also like to recognize the
other members who came out and worked hard to make this event a success.
Sophia Brennar
Janice Butler
Kim Freeman
Tom Goldman
Merry O'Brien (smile)
Merry Schoch
Susan & Esther Strasovich
Jeneice Wilson
A great big "Thank you!" also goes out to Lou Fioritto and the crew from
Braille Works who so generously support our Braille Readers Are Leaders
campaign by donating the balloons. Featuring the Louie Braille
commemmorative coin on one side and the Braille Works logo on the other,
these balloons were seen throughout the festival! As Sherrill stated, we ran
out of helium near the end of the day - to the disappointment of the kids -
after giving out nearly 150 balloons. We only have 850 more left! Watch for
them at our state convention! Together we are changing what it means to be
Fraternally yours,
Marion Gwizdala, President
East Hillsborough chapter
National Federation of the Blind of Florida
----- Original Message -----
From: "Sherrill O'Brien" <sherrill.obrien at verizon.net>
To: "NFB of Florida Listserv" <nfbf-l at nfbnet.org>
Cc: "Denise Prophet" <Denise at brailleworks.com>
Sent: Saturday, March 07, 2009 6:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Nfbf-l] Exciting Day!!
> Helllo all,
> I'm home from the University of Florida's Children's Festival, and it was
> truly a beautiful day. This is an event growing in popularity each year.
> I
> wrote about 100 names on our Louis Braille alphabet cards, which I hope
> you're all taking advantage of, by the way. They are free from the
> Independence Market. Just call the national office (410) 659-9314, to
> order
> them.
> As Merry said in her post, we handed out helium filled balloons, so many
> that we ran out of helium! The kids liked the print/Braille storybook I
> read to them, especially since it was about a balloon. The Braille
> scrabble
> game was a hit, and one of the little ones ran to get his mother and told
> her, "Mama, this lady can look with her fingers!" And, between name
> writing
> with the slate, I tried as best I could to explain to the parents how
> important it is that our blind children learn and use Braille every day,
> as
> a sighted child would use print.
> I want to thank Marion and Merry for once again asking me to participate
> in
> such a worthwhile and fun event. I was so busy today I didn't even get
> the
> chance to go and pet the huge old tortoise which was a big hit again this
> year.
> Hey, everyone, Have fun setting all your clocks forward tonight!! You
> don't
> realize how many of the darned things you have until you have to do that.
> Sherrill
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nfbf-l-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nfbf-l-bounces at nfbnet.org]On
> Behalf Of Merry Schoch
> Sent: Saturday, March 07, 2009 7:46 AM
> To: NFB of Florida Listserv
> Cc: Denise Prophet
> Subject: [Nfbf-l] Exciting Day!!
> Hi All,
> I have been so stressed out studying to take the GRE test this Monday;
> however, today I have set that to the side and am thrilled about what the
> East Hillsborough chapter is doing. We are participating in the
> Children's
> Festival at USF and , of course, our focus is on braille. We aren't doing
> too much different from last year's event except for passing out balloons
> to
> the kids. Thanks to Braille Works we have balloons that on one side has
> the
> Louis Braille coin, NFB, and Braille Readers are Leaders logo as well as
> the
> Braille Works logo on the opposite side. I love what their logo states,
> "Making the World a More Readable Place". How absolutely empowering it
> will
> be for a blind child or one who has the potential of going blind, to have
> the opportunity to learn braille as a child and have the tools available
> to
> assist this child to be a "leader".
> I am please to be a part of today's events. We will have displayed our
> braille Scrabble game, NFB literature, and will have for the first time at
> the event "story times" thanks to our one and only State Braille campaign
> coordinator, Sherrill O'Brien. We will again distribute braille alphabet
> cards with the child's (and sometimes adult's) name brailled on it. Then
> the thing I love the best and that is the interaction with the children.
> We have containers that are covered each with different items in them, for
> example one of them has kithcen items such as a plate, cup, spoon, fork,
> plastic fruit, box of cereal, box of triscuits, can of tuna, can of
> veggies,
> hot cocoa mix (envelope), envelope of pop corn, etc. The child is given a
> scenario and then is told to pick out some items from the container
> without
> using their sight. The other containers have such items as bathroom
> items,
> toys, clothes, school supplies, and more. The kids absolutely love the
> entire experience and now we can top it off with the helium balloons.
> What
> kid doesn't like balloon?
> I am so excited and what a gorgeous day to be out and about. Just had to
> share with all you our plans.
> Hope you all have a great day,
> Merry
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