[Nfbf-l] Fwd: Check out TALKS™ for Verizon Wireless

REPCODDS at aol.com REPCODDS at aol.com
Mon Mar 23 21:32:20 UTC 2009

 From: CMSMicro
Sent: 3/22/2009 10:45:12 P.M. Eastern  Daylight Time
Subj: Check out TALKS™ for Verizon Wireless

You may already be familiar with this phone but I found out  about it from an 
email I received.  Sent you the link just in  case:
_TALKS™ for Verizon  Wireless_ 

Help someone get a ride!  Remember to  check the box to donate a $1, or
more, to the Florida Transportation  Disadvantaged Trust Fund the next time 
you purchase your auto/truck/boat tags.  The money you donate stays in the 
County where donated.

¡La ayuda alguien consigue un paseo! Recuerde  comprobar la caja para donar 
$1, o más, a la fondo fiduciaria perjudicada del  transporte de la Florida la 
próxima vez que usted compra sus etiquetas de  auto/truck/boat. El dinero usted 
dona estancias en el condado donde  donado.

Please note:  Florida has a very  broad public records law.  Most written 
communications, to or from local  officials regarding organization business, are 
public records available to the  public and media upon request.  
Your e-mail communications may  therefore be subject to public  disclosure

**************A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy 

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