[Nfbf-l] Hernando / East Pasco Chapter

davidw dwermuth1 at earthlink.net
Mon Jan 4 11:37:42 UTC 2010

Hello Everyone!

Just a friendly reminder about our Chapter meeting next Saturday, Jan 9th in 
Brooksville.  We have a full agenda and we hope that if your in our chapter 
area you will attend.

It is a breakfast meeting, buffet all you can eat for only $7.99, meeting 
starts at eleven and will adjourn at one o'clock.

There is going to be ample time for the members to voice their opinions on 
how and what direction this chapter will moved forward (a town meeting of 
sorts) after the chapter has conducted it's business and Officers reports.

This will not turn into a free for all but will allow the Board and Officers 
to listen and to hear constructive ideas from the members.

Jan 9th
Country Kitchen
Please RSVP as space is limited

Thank You,

President-David Wermuth
NFB of FL- Hernando / East Pasco Chapter
dwermuth1 at earthlink.net

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