[Nfbf-l] Fwd: Crisis in Haiti: How you can make a difference

repcodds at aol.com repcodds at aol.com
Sat Jan 16 01:49:56 UTC 2010

AARP , says they will match donations see below.
 From: giving at aarp.org
To: repcodds at aol.com
Sent: 1/14/2010 8:21:32 P.M.  Eastern Standard Time
Subj: Crisis in Haiti: How you can make a  difference

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Don't Leave Haiti's
Seniors  Behind   
Older Haitians Need Our Help  Now 
Dear DWIGHT,  
Many members have asked how they can help the  victims of the devastating 
earthquake in Haiti. In  response to this tragedy, AARP Foundation is proud 
to  be working with HelpAge USA and its international  parent organization 
HelpAge International to rush  emergency relief to older and aged victims of 
the  quake.  
And due to the overwhelming need, AARP will  match any contribution you 
make up to $500,000  dollar-for-dollar. That means your gift will be  doubled 
and go twice as far in providing relief.   
_Donate  now to have your AARP Foundation Haiti Relief Fund  gift matched 
dollar-for-dollar. _ 
Haiti is the poorest country in the Western  Hemisphere, with approximately 
800,000 people over the  age of 60—and the majority of them live in extreme 
Hundreds of thousands are feared dead. Tens of  thousands more will need 
long term humanitarian  assistance. And tragically, the needs of older persons 
 often go unmet in the midst of a disaster of this  proportion. 
The immediate need right now is on shelter, food,  water, and preventing 
the spread of disease. But many  older people simply cannot reach emergency  
distribution centers, and the effort must be made to  bring relief supplies 
to them. Then there are often  special needs that they require, like walking 
sticks,  medicines, eye glasses and appropriate clothing.  
_That’s  why your emergency contribution to the AARP Foundation  Haiti 
Relief Fund is so important right now.  _ 
HelpAge is the only international relief  organization working to ensure 
the emergency needs of  older people are met. They have the resources and  
experience reaching the people who need help the most.  And they will be 
helping with the long-term needs of  this vulnerable group in Haiti long after 
other  agencies have left. 
In fact, HelpAge staff had already been working  with local communities in 
Haiti on emergency  preparedness training for older residents. And these  
efforts have paid off. Reports coming in from the  Caribbean nation suggest 
older people are taking  crucial lifesaving steps to help themselves and their 
 families—steps they learned from HelpAge. 
_Make  your secure online emergency contribution  today_ 
(http://aarpcares.aarp.org/site/R?i=Md0cAQIBQ417nbW8V4WRNQ..) .  AARP will match any amount 
you can give,  making your gift go twice as far in providing  urgently-needed 
Already the outpouring by concerned individuals  proves that tragedy can 
bring out the best in people,  but unfortunately it can also bring out 
unscrupulous  scammers who take advantage of our good-nature.  You can be assured 
that 100% of any  contribution you make today to our emergency relief  fund 
will go directly to relief efforts in  Haiti. 
On behalf of all those who will benefit from your  generosity today and in 
the weeks to come, I wish you  the sincerest “thank you”. You have made a 

President, AARP  Foundation  

P.S. This is the worst earthquake to hit this  region. Nearly the entire 
city of Port-au-Prince was  leveled. And making matters worse, many of the 
older  residents are the primary caretakers of their  grandchildren, many of 
whom have been orphaned by the  AIDS crisis. They are an intrinsic part of 
Haitian  society and are now facing a life or death situation.  _Please  don’t 
miss this opportunity to have your gift matched.  We hope you will choose to 
contribute whatever you are  able to afford right now._ 
_Make  a Secure Donation_ 
(http://aarpcares.aarp.org/site/R?i=n_c3Pm_8xipQ1RZAOn_aNw..)   | _Visit  our website_ 
(http://aarpcares.aarp.org/site/R?i=gnPJcR480gRi4ypeeLIkYQ..)  | _Sign  up for AARP Foundation e-Newsletters_ 
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