[Nfbf-l] Very interesting for talking books readers!

Kirk kvharmon54 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 19 12:48:06 UTC 2010

Hello all, I just thought I would pass this along. I found it  very 
interesting and plan to check it out! Kirk

From: News Wire
listservice at accessibleworld.org
Subject: Accessible World's Special Program
Series presents Lloyd Rasmussen, January 26,

News Wire:

Accessible World Special Program Series

Lloyd Rasmussen of NLS will unofficially
speak to us on how to use the BARD
Downloadable web site. He will give us useful
tips for finding books and in general getting
around the site.

Let us now read what Lloyd has to say about
his presentation.

Lloyd Rasmussen, a senior electronics
engineer at the National Library Service for
the Blind and Physically Handicapped will
discuss "the evolution and devolution of the
NLS talking book program". From his
perspective, he will be prepared to discuss
the history of the talking book program in
the United States, factors which have driven
the technology of the program along the way,
its current status and future prospects.
There will also be some discussion of how
consumers can use and support the program.
You can expect a lively question and answer
segment after his presentation

Date: Tuesday January 26, 2010

Time: 6:00 PM PST, 7:00 PM MST, 8:00PM. CST,
9:00 PM EST and elsewhere in the world
Wednesday 2:00 GMT.

Approximately 15 minutes prior to the event
start time; go to the Accessible World
Auditorium at:


Or, alternatively,

Select the Accessible World Auditorium at:
Enter your first and last name

If you are a first-time user of the Talking
Communities online conferencing software,
there is a small, safe software program that
you need to download and then run. A link to
the software is available on every entry
screen to the Accessible World rooms.

All online interactive programs require no
password, are free of charge, and open to
anyone worldwide having an Internet
connection, a computer, speakers, and a sound
card. Those with microphones can interact
audibly with the presenters and others in the
virtual audience. To speak to us, hold down
the control key and let up to listen. If no
microphone is available, you may text chat
with the attendees.

Accessible World uses News Wires, like this
one, to inform people of the topic and times
for the many Discussion Groups on Accessible
World. The lists are announce only to keep
the traffic to a minimum. You can join the
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List by completing the form at:

Accessible World Contacts:

Robert Acosta, Chair
Accessible World
Email: boacosta at pacbell.net
Web: www.helpinghands4theblind.org

Joann Becker, Events Coordinator
Accessible World
Email: joannbecker at pcomcast.net

George Buys, CEO.
Talking Communities
Email: buys at talkingcommunities.com

The Accessible World, a division of Helping
Hands For The Blind, a 501(c)(3)
not-for-profit organization, seeks to educate
the general public, the disabled community
and the professionals who serve them by
providing highly relevant information about
new products, services, and training
opportunities designed specifically to
eliminate geographic and access barriers that
adversely affect them

Kirk Harmon
1031 Lenmore CT.
Orlando, FL. 32812
Home office: (407) 380-3371

Cell: (407) 473-2176
E-mail address: kvharmon54 at gmail.com

E.Central Florida
Associate Director

911 cell phone

Mayors Veterans Advisory counsil

 Blind advocate
and fundraiser

" Smiles are nothing more than thirty second vacations!" 

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