[Nfbf-l] amazing equipment at ATIA

Lappland lappland at bellsouth.net
Sun Jan 31 11:40:24 UTC 2010

I am glad you are enjoying the solo. it is a wonderful device and so simple 
to operate. I will check on the price to make sure the info is correct. take 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kirk" <kvharmon54 at gmail.com>
To: "NFB of Florida Internet Mailing List" <nfbf-l at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Saturday, January 30, 2010 11:56 AM
Subject: Re: [Nfbf-l] amazing equipment at ATIA

> Carolyn, I have had the Solo scanner/rreader for a few months now and I 
> have
> to tell you, I Love it!  I am truly enjoying it and it's simplicity of
> function. The quotes I have been told for the Solo however is around 
> $1600.
> Take care, KH
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Lappland" <lappland at bellsouth.net>
> To: <Undisclosed-Recipient:;>
> Sent: Saturday, January 30, 2010 10:16 AM
> Subject: [Nfbf-l] amazing equipment at ATIA
> dear friends,
> just a note to tell you about some of the amazing products that i seen at
> the ATIA conference  yesterday.
> My favorite device was the solo reading machine displayed by John Palmer 
> at
> Magnify America. in my opinion, it is the easiest to operate, just press 
> the
> on-button and lay your paper on the light weight scanner. it automatically
> takes a picture of the printed document and begins reading in seconds. its
> the most accurate and pleasant sounding reader that I have had the 
> pleasure
> of using. the reader can adjust the reading speed and choose from a female
> or male voice. the solo cost about $2,000 and is extremely light weight,
> simple to use, easy to disassemble and take with you. a great way for
> seniors and anyone else to read printed items.
> John also had the new portable video magnifier, the Pebble, for around 
> $550.
> it is small, light weight and enables you to read menus, price tags, store
> items, product directions, view photos in color and much, much more. the
> pebble also has a freeze frame so you can secure an image on the screen. 
> for
> example, you may want to save the instructions on a cake box while you
> gather the necessary ingredients to make  it.
> john will give you the best deals on products and assist you more than any
> other vender that I know of.
> another amazing product was the new book sense from GW Micro. it cost $499
> and has many more features than the victor stream. the book sense not only
> allows you to record and download books, it has a radio and gives you the
> date and time  among many other features. the device is also smaller and
> holds up to a 32 G SD card. it is definitely an item for your Christmas
> list.
> for low vision folks, GW Micro had a terrific portable video magnifier, 
> the
> duel sense view with a price tag of $950. it has 2 cameras, one for 
> distance
> and one for close-up reading. bill has been asking venders for a device 
> like
> this for years. the distance camera enables a person to read street signs
> and other print items in the distance like the price signs located high up
> in Costco. the second camera allows you to read price tags, grocery items
> and other close up print items. it also has color and a freeze frame.
> I was impressed with the quality of these products and their functions.
> Sincerely,
> Carolyn Lapp
> Executive Director
> Florida Outreach Center for the Blind, Inc.
> Office: (561) 640-6029
> E-Mail: info_focb at bellsouth.net
> Please remember to support the Florida Outreach Center for the Blind by
> donating a dollar or more to help fund our worthy programs. Send your tax
> deductible
> gift to:
> Florida Outreach Center for the Blind
> 1280 N. Congress Ave., Ste-108
> West Palm Beach, FL 33409
> Or use the Pay Pal link on our web site at:
> www.flblindcenter.org
> Thank you!
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