[Nfbf-l] State School

Jody W. Ianuzzi jody at thewhitehats.com
Thu Apr 7 19:24:02 UTC 2011

Hello Kirk,

I agree that social skills are something that everyone should learn.  If you
saw a receptionist in the doctor's office clacking gum or picking their nose
it would really influence your opinion of that person.  It might even cause
you to run for the door.

It really disturbs me when I meet blind children who are not being taught
social skills because their family don't want to be hard on them.  The fact
is that the blind child can't see the socially acceptable behavior of
everyone else and there fore they need more educating then a sighted child
not less.

I think that is where having blind mentors is so important.  We can teach
blind kids how to do things in an acceptable way and they can't say we are
criticizing them for being blind.  I knew a girl who literally ate by
putting her mouth on the edge of her plate and pushed the food in. In my
usual tactful way I asked her if she wanted as shovel and I explained how
gross her eating habits were.  At 16 years old no one had EVER told her.


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