[Nfbf-l] If you use the m.facebook.com site

Jim Ellsworth jellsworth1 at tampabay.rr.com
Thu Feb 10 14:35:49 UTC 2011

    Hi all,
I know there are quite a few on this list who use the FaceBook site.  Most
blind people tend to use the m.facebook.com web site even if you use a PC or
a smart phone etc.  It has become impossible to use the site when accessing
it with a PC when using internet explorer.  The problem may not have hit
everyone yet but it will probably happen to you sooner or later.  Below are
your options.
I have found at least with JAWS that I can make m.facebook.com work if I use
Firefox as my browser instead of Internet Explorer.  I should mention here
that even if a sighted person were to try to access this site with no screen
reader using a PC the site will not work with internet explorer.
Another option is to use the very cluttered http://www.facebook.com web
A third option would be to use a handheld device such as a smart phone,
iPod, or other mobile device.  These types of devices still do work on
Thank you,
Jim Ellsworth
If you have been sed to accessing m.facebook.com with a PC using internet
explorer the site simply doesn't work any longer.  

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