[Nfbf-l] Receive One Only recipe in your inbox everyday

Alan Dicey adicey at bellsouth.net
Wed Dec 5 15:18:39 UTC 2012

Dear Friends,
I know this lady, she is Blind like us, perhaps you are already subscribed to her once a day  
recipe  list.

She is really great.

Well, just passing her message along!

With Best Regards,


Miami, Florida

If you'd like to receive recipes in your inbox everyday, without having to deal with ads and tons of messages that you receive when subscribed to other recipe mailing lists, join Mama's-Corner, an announce only recipe newsletter. I send out recipes on a daily basis that I myself type out from recipe books and recipe card collections that I actually own. You will not be overwhelmed by a flood of email, only one message a day is sent out.
If you would like to join, send a blank email to the below address. You will receive an email back from Yahoo Groups asking that you confirm your request. Simply reply to that email and you will automatically be added to the list.
mamas-corner-subscribe at yahoogroups.com

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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