[Nfbf-l] accessible television for the visually impaired, only for the United Kingdom?

Sherrill O'Brien sherrill.obrien at verizon.net
Fri Oct 5 15:25:03 UTC 2012

Hello all,

I'm sure some of you subscribe to the American Foundation for the Blind's
Access World publication, but I wanted to share this very interesting
article with you. We have heard about accessible TV in the UK, but this
article updates the news a bit. While I applaud Panasonic, somehow I think
it will be a few years before the United States gets serious about this
problem. I often have to call Mike in to help me when our set top box gets
flaky. Who knew there would come a day when a totally blind person couldn't
get their TV to turn on!
Deborah Kendrick has once more written a thoughtful and informative piece.
The link to it is below my signature.
Have a great weekend!


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