[Nfbf-l] {Disarmed} Fwd: Hecklers and bullies
Mark Tardif
markspark at roadrunner.com
Mon Jun 24 22:11:55 UTC 2013
I saw this video, and whatever your stand on increased background checks for
gun purchasers, it was absolutely shameful the way that man was treated. He
deserved to be heard, but that bunch of bullies sounded like a lynch mob.
Mark Tardif
Nuclear arms will not hold you.
-----Original Message-----
From: Tara Prakash
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2013 3:50 PM
To: NFB of Florida Internet Mailing List
Subject: [Nfbf-l] {Disarmed} Fwd: Hecklers and bullies
Sent from my iPod
Begin forwarded message:
> From: "Mike D'Armi, Mayors Against Illegal Guns"
> <info at mayorsagainstillegalguns.org>
> Date: June 24, 2013, 3:24:49 PM EDT
> To: "Taras Prakash" <taraprakash at gmail.com>
> Subject: Hecklers and bullies
> Reply-To: Mike D'Armi, Mayors Against Illegal Guns
> <info at mayorsagainstillegalguns.org>
> Taras --
> Last week, I watched a group of hecklers and bullies try to shout down the
> father of a gun violence victim.
> John Cantin's daughter Melissa was shot and killed by her estranged
> husband in Manchester, NH in 2009. John was also shot, but he survived.
> While he was speaking at a No More Names rally in Concord, a loud group of
> Kelly Ayotte supporters attempted to interrupt his speech, chanting in
> opposition to background checks and other common sense measures to reduce
> gun violence. In April, Kelly Ayotte cast a critical vote to block
> common-sense gun legislation -- even though 89 percent of Granite Staters
> support background checks for all gun sales.
> One aggressive Ayotte backer even pushed his way onto the podium and
> attempted to intimidate John, getting just inches from his face as the
> crowd chanted "Ayotte! Ayotte!"
> John refused to be silenced. Instead, he bravely continued to share his
> daughter's story and call for common-sense legislation to reduce gun
> violence.
> Take a minute to watch this shocking video -- then share it with your
> friends and family.
> I was moved by John Cantin's bravery, his story, and the choice he made to
> speak out to help protect our children from what happened to his own
> daughter. He kept speaking, even when a heckler tried to taunt and menace
> him.
> This is what real courage looks like, and this is what the No More Names
> bus tour is all about -- speaking the truth and standing up for victims of
> gun violence.
> I hope you'll share this video and spread the word that we won't be
> intimidated by extremists:
> http://nomorenames.org/johncantinwatchandshare/
> I'm proud to continue the No More Names tour as we read the names of gun
> violence victims in 25 states across the country. And I'm proud that
> supporters like you are with us.
> Thanks,
> Mike D'Armi
> "No More Names" Trip Director
> Mayors Against Illegal Guns
> A campaign of Mayors Against Illegal Guns | About Us | Privacy Policy |
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