[Nfbf-l] This Youtube will help Sighted Folks understand how we the Blind can use our computers

Alan Dicey adicey at bellsouth.net
Fri Nov 1 05:23:38 UTC 2013

Dear Friends,
This Youtube will  help Sighted Folks understand how we the Blind or Visually Impaired, can use our computers.
It is short and to the point, and I am sending it around to my Sighted Friends and Associates.
And also to you so, if you wish, can do the same, to help inform those who are not Blind understand , how we can do what they do with our computers.

WebAIM October 2013 Newsletter features screen readers.
As a sighted person I found this particular video very informative.


With Best Regards,
God Bless,
Plantation, Florida

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