[Nfbf-l] Allen's insightful article on nfbf-l

Eric Calhoun eric at pmpmail.com
Tue Aug 19 13:42:31 UTC 2014

Allen, I love that post!  Unfortunately, here in very-crowded Los Angeles,
California, it is very necessary to stop by to remind people of the tones
they use.  Phrases such as, "Watch out for, ---," or "Lok out for," are,
not only distracting, but very annoying.  Yesterday, as I was trying to
locate a bus stop, 2 people tried to get me away from the street; I told
them I have to locate the bus stop, hands off, please.  I got there,
without help.

The unfortunate thing with grabbing is that it must be repettive,
reminding the person that it is not okay to grab the blind person's arm. 
The best advice I give: Do not insist on that person not helping you.  If
the person, outright, refuses to take their arm, (the sighted person), wait
for alternative assistance.  I've run into people who insist on helping
when it's not needed, and not asking if I need help.  This is a gray area,
and can lead to dishonesty, mistrust, and bad relations.  Failure to ask if
a person who is blind can also mean dishonesty.  It's a real no-no to allow
a sighted person to grab a blind person without asking, in other words,
except for very dangerous circumstances.

Another tip that I find an absolute no-no: Do not put a hand out to sit a
blind person down, not at any time, nor for any reason.  Everybody has
personal space.  To avoid confrontation, give the person who is blind

Disclaimer: Not everybody in L.A. acts this way and pulls the "concerned"
card.  It's the uneducated, or the nontrainable, that don't want to learn. 
Some people here are O.K., Allen.


Sighted and blind people, Eric from Los Angeles.  Here's where you can
find me: The all-new Stairs to Heaven Christian Line, 712-432-4808, Room 9;
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