[Nfbf-l] NFB Pledge

petercerullo at aol.com petercerullo at aol.com
Thu Feb 13 11:21:19 UTC 2014

To Dwight and Federation Family,

This is Federation Patriotism at its best properly defined with one exception replace the word "ensure" with the word "achieve" which means a responsibility to attain and accomplish.

The NFB Pledge " I pledge to participate actively in the efforts of the National Federation of the Blind to achieve equality, opportunity, and security for the blind; to support the policies and programs of the Federation; and to abide by its constitution."  Dr. Tenbroek and Red Skelton would be proud.

-----Original Message-----
From: MisterAdvocate <MisterAdvocate at aol.com>
To: nfbf-l <nfbf-l at nfbnet.org>
Cc: president <president at nabv.org>
Sent: Wed, Feb 12, 2014 12:29 pm
Subject: Re: [Nfbf-l] NFB Pledge

The NFB Pledge Defined!  Defined!
I pledge to participate actively, in the efforts of the  National 
Federation of the blind.
To ensure equality, opportunity and  security for the blind:
To support the policies and programs of the  Federation:
and to abide by its Constitution.
See the definitions Below!
I = he person speaking or writing:  personal pronoun in the first person

Pledge = a person or thing given or  held as security for the performance 
of a contract, as a guarantee of  faith

to Participate = to have or take a part or share in

Actively  = that is acting, functioning, working, moving, 

In the Efforts of = the  using of energy to get something done; exertion of 
strength or mental  power

the National Federation of the Blind = Unit or Organization, being  
To Ensure = to make sure or certain; guarantee; or  secure.  

Equality = the condition of being equal, and or, of having the  same 
political, social, and economic rights

Opportunity = a combination  of circumstances favorable for the purpose; 
fit time; Chance; Favorable  circumstance leading to a positive outcome. 
And Security = the state of being or feeling secure;  freedom from fear, 
anxiety, danger, doubt, etc.; state or sense of safety or  certainty

For the Blind = of or for sightless  persons; 
To Support = to give courage, faith, or confidence  to; help or comfort

the Policies = a principle, plan,  or course of action, as pursued by a 
government, organization, individual,  etc.   

and Programs = a plan or procedure for dealing with some  matter

of the Federation = he act of uniting or of forming a union of  states, 
groups, etc. by agreement of each member to subordinate its power to  that of 
the central authority in common  affairs 
and to Abide = to stand fast; remain; go on  being

By Its = on behalf of; that or those belonging to it: the  possessive form 
of the word.

Constitution = the way in which a  government, state, society, etc. is  
Please think about this as you take the pledge at our  meetings. 
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