[Nfbf-l] First timers guide to national convention

Brooke Evans brooke6358 at aol.com
Thu May 14 15:38:40 UTC 2015

Thank you  Madam President for this informative instructional convention "how to".  If this same info skipped by me in the past 4 years of my NFB membership because I didn't pay attention, I'm glad to have been able to read it today.

I've literally missed out on valuable helps by not knowing what your post has informed.  I had little understanding how, why,  what is the value of the convention, what does the convention offer, what makes NFB run, who does what and when, and why who does what when!  I had no idea of 95% of NFB workings.  Who knew?  Everyone but me, I guess.

Yes, I studied the agenda/convention guide each of the past two national conventions.  I had not noticed the ordered  structure of each day.  Who knew?  Everybody but me, I guess.

I am sure there are many besides myself who learned more about how the convention functions having read this post, Denise.

I thank you.

Brooke Evans     

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