[Nfbf-l] {Spam?} Last Tampa Tribune Letter to the Editor

Dan Hicks danjhicks at yahoo.com
Mon May 9 22:34:36 UTC 2016

The Tampa Tribune is no more, at least as a separate entity. It was
purchased by the Tampa Bay Times and the two combined to be one paper, which
looks a lot more like the Times than the Trib. Maybe that is a good thing,
time will tell. 

Over the years I have published several letters to the editor in the Trib. A
couple of times they were chosen as the letter of the day. The letter below
was published as the Letter of the Day in the final edition of the Tampa
Tribune. It involves Transportation and local government - which have been
the subject of a majority of the letters that have seen print.

Letter of the Day: Go Hillsborough County commissioners - and don't come

Published: May 3, 2016 

The Hillsborough County Commission voted last week 4-3 not to give you a

Commissioners Sandy Murman, Stacy White, Victor Crist and Al Higginbotham
all voted against putting a half-cent sales tax to fund transportation
improvements in our county on the Nov. 8 ballot. This tax, which was
advocated for under the name Go Hillsborough, was endorsed by The Tampa
Tribune and other media outlets, as well as civic and business groups
throughout the county. 

Mind you, these four commissioners weren't voting to keep your sales taxes
among the lowest in the country; they were killing the chance to let you, as
a county resident, decide at the ballot box whether you thought the tax was
a worthy idea or not. These four have decided for you and have taken away
your chance to weigh in on the decision in the one way that matters. 

Crist said his decision was not based on data but on "old-fashioned
intuition." Which, I guess, supersedes the old-fashioned idea that the
people should get to decide an important issue such as this. 

Remember the next time you are stuck in stagnant county traffic, or waiting
in the hot sun or pouring rain for a bus that only comes once an hour, or
the next time you trip over a badly maintained sidewalk, you have a right to
use some harsh words. Specifically: "Sandy Murman, Stacy White, Victor Crist
and Al Higginbotham."

And remember to vote them out at your next opportunity. That is one ballot
box option they can't take from you. 

Dan J. Hicks





"If you don't stick to your values when they're being tested, they're not
values: they're hobbies."

              ― Jon Stewart


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