[Nfbf-l] Senior Concerns Meeting [Corrected date!]

Gloria Hicks glorianfb at irescue-tax.com
Sun Jan 1 04:11:01 UTC 2017

Greetings Federationists, 


Our next Senior Concerns Committee meeting will be on the first Thursday of
the new year. 


We are trying to find the best week for this meeting.  We will be discussing
our plans for state convention in May. 


Also, remember that you do not have to be of senior age in order to take
part in this meeting. We welcome all. 


The Senior Concerns Committee Meeting will take place Thursday, January 5,
at 8:00 PM:

The telephone  number for the call will be 712-775-7031 

The Code is 488500#

Please e-mail me at glorianfb at irescue-tax.com if you have any questions. 




Gloria Mills EA

3708 W. Bay to Bay Blvd.

Tampa FL 33629

813 837-1100


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