[Nfbf-l] November/December Newsletter submissions

Sylvia slyfox at embarqmail.com
Sun Nov 19 03:04:58 UTC 2017

Hi Florida Federationists, 
It is once again time to publish our Breaking Newsletter for the State of Florida. Please send in your November/December Newsletter submissions NOW! Leaders, please submit items for your chapters and divisions. And individual members, you may submit any information you feel will be beneficial to NFB members around our great state. There is also a section for birthdays and anniversaries. I plan to get our Newsletter December 1st. So please get them to me no later than December 23th. You may send them to slyfox at embarqmail.com. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. 

Sylvia Young 
NFBF Secretary 

Together with love, hope, and determination, we transform dreams into reality. 

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