[Nfbf-l] Thanks Much and Pleas Help with Women's Luncheon

Kathy Davis kdavisnfbf at cfl.rr.com
Wed Apr 3 18:42:24 UTC 2019

Hello Friends, 

Things are really coming together for our first annual Women's Luncheon -
Women of the Movement. The Diversity and Inclusion Committee is most
appreciative to the following chapters for their donation of $25 to provide
financial assistance for this special event: 

Greater Daytona, Palm Beach, Central Florida and State Wide. 

Your chapter's name will be in our program indicating your support and
assistance for this first ever fantastic event!! We urge other NFBF chapters
to also help out with a $25 donation to help keep down expenses  for
committee members. Also, we encourage you to register for the luncheon on
the registration online site where you signed up for convention and the
banquet. Checks should be sent to Merry Schoch, NFBF Treasurer.  You will
not regret attending this special event to take place from 12:15 until 1:45
on Saturday, May 25 to enjoy a delicious lunch, hear some inspiring speeches
and to  show appreciation to those women in our affiliate who have made a
vast positive difference through their employment and volunteerism. 

If you have questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 386-677-6886 or
write to me at kdavisnfbf at cfl.rr.com 

Please read on past my signature for more specifics from Jorge Hernandez. 


With warmest regards, 


Kathy Davis 

Diversity and Inclusion Member 

Greater Daytona Beach Vice President 


How to Register!


For the first time, this year we have "online" registration using the
following link:



Or, you can call the following toll free number to register for convention
and purchase your banquet ticket.


Toll free number:  1-800-838-3006

Convention code: National Federation of the Blind of Florida State


Attending the "Women's Luncheon"!  You can reserve a seat when you select a
lunch of your choice when registering online or by using the toll free



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