[NFBF-L] Tampa Bay Chapter Meet the Blind Activity

Marion Gwizdala marion.gwizdala at verizon.net
Tue Nov 5 17:29:28 UTC 2019

Dear Tampa Bay Chapter Members,


                I hope all y'all are as excited about tomorrow's Meet the
Blind activity/Food Truck Rally as Merry and I. If you have never been to a
food truck rally, you are in for a treat! If you have been to a food truck
rally, well, you're in for a treat! Between the activities we will conduct,
you will have plenty of time to sample the food truck fare, including 


The Bacon Boss

The Dude

Dulce Dough

Jimmy's Sliders


Michelle Faedo's

Rack City Ribz

The Surly Mermaid

Tree Dog Roots



I could be convinced otherwise, but I think I am drawn to either Rack City
Ribs or the Surly Mermaid!For those of you attending, here are some
logistics to consider.


                The Tampa Mayor's Food Truck Fiesta will be held in Lykes
Gaslight Park from 11:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. Those wishing to help with
set-up should arrive around 10:00 a.m. We will have our new huge canopy, a
public address system, and our display table. Lykes Gaslight Park is located
at 410 N. Franklin Street. I believe Franklin Street will be closed to
vehicular traffic and food trucks will be parked on the street and within
the park. It is best to be dropped off and picked up on the north (Madison)
side of the park just west of  Franklin. We are not sure where we will be
setting up, so you might want to call Merry (813-625-1850) or Miranda
(352-942-0417) when you arrive and we will send a posse for you! You may
also want to bring a folding chair. We will bring water remaining from our
WCSD event and there will be food and drink galore in the park!


                Our table will have an assortment of literature. Sherrill
will be Brailling our alphabet cards, Merry will be playing checkers, and I
will have my click ruler and audible level to demonstrate. If you have a
favorite , perhaps, unique accessible device that would make a sighted
person say "Cool!", bring it with you and show it off! We will also do some
guide dog demos and some special guests have been invited and replied with
tentative commitments.


                If you want to forward this message on to others in your
network, please feel free to do so. You can cut this part of the message and
only send the release, that's fine! I have also included our audio public
service announcements, you can forward them on, as well, or save them and
send them on as you wish! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate
to get in touch with us either by email or telephone. My number is
813-626-2789. I hope to see many of you tomorrow!


Fraternally yours,

Marion Gwizdala 




FROM: Tampa Bay Chapter, National Federation of the Blind of Florida

RELEASE DATE: October 24, 2019

TO: All Media

RE: Meet the Blind Month

CONTACT:  Miranda Kilby

                     (352) 942-0417 

                      <mailto:TampaBay at nfbflorida.org>
TampaBay at nfbflorida.org




          Every year, the National Federation of the Blind celebrates "Meet
the Blind Month" to spread the message that blind people can live the lives
we want by conducting a variety of outreach activities. On Wednesday,
November 6, the Tampa bay chapter of the National Federation of the Blind of
Florida, with the cooperation of the Tampa Downtown Partnership, will
recognize "Meet the Blind Month" during the Tampa Mayor's Food Truck Fiesta
in Lykes Gaslight Park, located at 410 North Franklin Street from 11:00 a.m.
until 2:00 p.m. 


"This activity creates opportunities for sighted people to meet blind people
in their communities and to recognize that we are vital, contributing
members of society," says Miranda Kilby, president of the Tampa Bay Chapter.


                Members of the National Federation of the Blind will write
your name in Braille, demonstrate how the long white cane works, put a guide
dog through its paces, and share other nonvisual techniques used by the


"This event will also give blind people who have never had exposure to blind
mentors and the positive attitude of the National Federation of the blind
the opportunity to meet other blind individuals who demonstrate that
blindness is not the characteristic that defines our futures," says Merry
Schoch, vice president of the Chapter and a licensed clinical social worker
in private practice in Brandon. 


            The National Federation of the Blind of Florida is an affiliate
of the National Federation of the Blind, located in Baltimore, Maryland. The
National Federation of the Blind is the oldest and largest organization of
the blind in the United States. The NFB knows that blindness is not the
characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise
expectations of the blind because low expectations create obstacles between
blind people and our dreams. You can live the life you want! Blindness is
not what holds you back. The Federation provides scholarships to blind
students; support for those who are blind or losing their eyesight; advocacy
for the blind facing discrimination; and educational programs for the
general public on topics of blindness. The NFB is not an organization that
speaks on behalf of the blind; we are the blind speaking for ourselves. 


                For more information about blindness or the Tampa Bay
chapter of the National Federation of the Blind, please call (352) 942-0147,
send an email to TampaBay at nfbflorida.org, or visit our website

# # #


If You Come.


WHAT: Meet the Blind

WHERE: Lykes Gaslight Park

                    410 North Franklin Street

                    Tampa, Florida

DATE: Wednesday, November 6

TIME 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.


For more information call (352) 942-0417, email TampaBay at nfbflorida.org or
visit >http://nfbflorida.org>


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