[NFBF-L] Cancelled, Blind Parents Connect Meeting

Nicole D Fincham-Shehan ndfinchamshehan at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 12 02:36:56 UTC 2019

Good Evening,

I hope this finds you all well.  This is to inform you that the Blind Parents Connect Meeting scheduled for Tuesday November 12, 2019 will be cancelled.

I apologize for the last minute cancellation.  I have to attend a meeting at my sons elementary school, as I have been elected Secretary of the PTO.  

Please accept my apologies for this last minute cancellation.  We will plan to meet our regular day and time on Tuesday December 10, 2019 at 9pm.  Please forward any topics of interest that you may like to discuss during this meeting.  If possible, I will try to get a guest speaker pertaining to the topic.

I would like to take this moment or wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving!!!  Please enjoy this time with your family and friends to fellowship and give thanks for the many blessings we have, our children being the greatest gift.

Thank you

Vice President 
NFB of Palm Beach 
Coordinator of Blind Parents Connect 
NFB of Florida 

Nicole D. Fincham-Shehan 
ADA Consultant
Health Educator 
Work Phone: 561-768-5424
Cell Phone: 410-493-4461 
Email Address: ndfinchamshehan at yahoo.com 

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