[NFBF-L] FW: Deaf-Blind Division National Federation of the Blind of Florida phone meeting May 12th @ 7pm

Brian Norton brian.edward.norton at outlook.com
Wed Apr 29 19:06:24 UTC 2020

Hello Florida DB Division members and supporters,
We will hold a Free phone conference call on Tuesday May 12th 2020 at 7pm.
Dial-in number:
 (605) 313-5111
Access code:      305480
Joe and Arlene have graciously arranged an interesting speaker. The below emails explain their  efforts and fortunate acceptance of a “connected” member of the deaf blind community.
Peace and love,
Brian Norton

National Federation of the Blind of Florida
NFBF Greater Daytona Beach President
NFBF Deaf Blind Division President


From: Brian Norton <brian.edward.norton at outlook.com>
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2020 12:37 PM
To: amnaulty at aol.com
Cc: anindya.bhattacharyya at hknc.org; Brian Norton <brian.edward.norton at outlook.com>; janice.hanvey at hknc.org; jnaulty at cfl.rr.com; Julia Savage <jisavage at yahoo.com>; Judith Hamilton <jrhamilton51 at earthlink.net>; Marilyn Baldwin <commmdb at aol.com>; John L Williams <jwjwlliiams775 at gmail.com>; Denise Valkema <president at nfbflorida.org>; ctate2076 at att.net; Russell at radiorusty.com
Subject: RE: Deaf-Blind Division, National Federation of the Blind, Florida

Hello Arlene,
Thank you and Joe for your  efforts in arranging this informative speaker for our next Florida Deaf Blind May 12 conference call at 7pm (EST). The free conference
Dial-in number:
 (605) 313-5111
Access code:      305480

Stay healthy and happy,
Brian Norton
NFBF Deaf Blind Division President
NFBF Greater Daytona Beach President
brian.edward.norton at outlook.com<mailto:brian.edward.norton at outlook.com>

From: amnaulty at aol.com<mailto:amnaulty at aol.com> <amnaulty at aol.com<mailto:amnaulty at aol.com>>
Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2020 7:21 PM
To: anindya.bhattacharyya at hknc.org<mailto:anindya.bhattacharyya at hknc.org>
Cc: brian.edward.norton at outlook.com<mailto:brian.edward.norton at outlook.com>; janice.hanvey at hknc.org<mailto:janice.hanvey at hknc.org>; jnaulty at cfl.rr.comt<mailto:jnaulty at cfl.rr.comt>; amnaulty at aol.com<mailto:amnaulty at aol.com>
Subject: Re: Deaf-Blind Division, National Federation of the Blind, Florida

Bapin     You are so much appreciated.    Please give us 48 hours to get you the call in number and
the access code.   We usually use the same one...but the NFB nationally is switching over to Zoom.
Therefore, I want to be sure.   In the interim, by copy to our Division President, Brian Norton, we will
get everything straightened out and look forward to having you as a presenter on the call.

We promise to get all the information accurately gathered by the end of the week.

-----Original Mess-----
From: Anindya Bhattacharyya <anindya.bhattacharyya at hknc.org<mailto:anindya.bhattacharyya at hknc.org>>
To: amnaulty at aol.com<mailto:amnaulty at aol.com> <amnaulty at aol.com<mailto:amnaulty at aol.com>>; Janice Hanvey <janice.hanvey at hknc.org<mailto:janice.hanvey at hknc.org>>
Cc: brian.edward.norton at outlook.com<mailto:brian.edward.norton at outlook.com> <brian.edward.norton at outlook.com<mailto:brian.edward.norton at outlook.com>>; jnaulty at cfl.rr.com<mailto:jnaulty at cfl.rr.com> <jnaulty at cfl.rr.com<mailto:jnaulty at cfl.rr.com>>
Sent: Tue, Apr 28, 2020 11:35 am
Subject: RE: Deaf-Blind Division, National Federation of the Blind, Florida

Hello Arlene,

Yes, I will be more than happy to present on May 12th for 15 minutes. Can you advise me of how to call in? Thanks and I look forward to speaking to you all.

Best regards,

"Let us act on the idea that everyone is included," -- Myrlie Evers-Williams

Mr. Anindya "Bapin" Bhattacharyya, Coordinator of

National Outreach Technology Development and Training Program &

Florida/Iowa Deaf-Blind Equipment Distribution Programs

Helen Keller Nat'l Ctr for Deaf-Blind Youths & Adults
3075 Adeline St., Ste. 290 \ Berkeley, CA 94703
Purple VP 415-625-0544 \ Purple VP for assistant 415-255-5847 \ Sorenson VP 510-735-8521
E-mail: anindya.bhattacharyya at hknc.org<mailto:anindya.bhattacharyya at hknc.org> \ website: www.hknc.org<https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.hknc.org%2F&data=02%7C01%7C%7C3f8f666bcb07433943bd08d7ec5b7f5b%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C637237750029405083&sdata=8vb6DvttE92YssOjG9MmwTxnv1BsKUbbwzavSluMNHU%3D&reserved=0>

From: amnaulty at aol.com<mailto:amnaulty at aol.com> <amnaulty at aol.com<mailto:amnaulty at aol.com>>
Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2020 8:06 AM
To: Anindya Bhattacharyya <anindya.bhattacharyya at hknc.org<mailto:anindya.bhattacharyya at hknc.org>>; Janice Hanvey <janice.hanvey at hknc.org<mailto:janice.hanvey at hknc.org>>
Cc: brian.edward.norton at outlook.com<mailto:brian.edward.norton at outlook.com>; amnaulty at aol.com<mailto:amnaulty at aol.com>; jnaulty at cfl.rr.com<mailto:jnaulty at cfl.rr.com>
Subject: Fwd: Deaf-Blind Division, National Federation of the Blind, Florida

Good Morning, Bapin

The situation with COVID19 sure has all of us working hard to

know each day and the date.   On April 14, I sent this forwarded

email to Janice.    We recently received a response suggesting

you might consider speaking for 15 minutes on the iCanConnect


Our next meeting is Tuesday, May 12 at 7 p.m.    It is always

a teleconference call and we should have at least 10 members

and officers of the Deaf-Blind Division, NFBF on the call.

Would you consider and be willing to speak on this very

important program which provides great opportunities for all

citizens with dual vision and hearing loss.  We understand your

calendar may not permit you to be available for May 12 and

would welcome you to cover this subject at our June meeting.

If you have updated information on the iCanConnect program,

we would appreciate receiving some copies for the group.

Thank you for your service and the efforts you are making to

provide equipment and training here in Florida.   An e-mail

response would be deeply appreciated.

Arlene Naulty

321 768 9500  (home office)

321 890 2839  (cell)

-----Original Message-----
From: amnaulty <amnaulty at aol.com<mailto:amnaulty at aol.com>>
To: janice.hanvey <janice.hanvey at hknc.org<mailto:janice.hanvey at hknc.org>>
Cc: brian.edward.norton <brian.edward.norton at outlook.com<mailto:brian.edward.norton at outlook.com>>; commmdb <commmdb at aol.com<mailto:commmdb at aol.com>>; jnaulty <jnaulty at cfl.rr.com<mailto:jnaulty at cfl.rr.com>>; amnaulty <amnaulty at aol.com<mailto:amnaulty at aol.com>>; ctate2076 <ctate2076 at att.net<mailto:ctate2076 at att.net>>
Sent: Tue, Apr 14, 2020 8:33 pm
Subject: Deaf-Blind Division, National Federation of the Blind, Florida

Good Evening, Janice

May we please inquire if you would be able to attend (teleconference)

the May 12 Meeting of the Deaf-Blind Division of the NFBF at 7 p.m.

We would like to suggest 15 or 20 minutes to cover key points of


We are a small group of 12 members but there is a lot to do here in

Florida.   There is particular interest in the iCanConnect Program and

the general services provided to the deaf-blind here in Florida....

by the State of Florida and the Helen Keller National Center.

Please do not conclude we are circumventing Cory Parker or Bapin....

rather reaching out to determine the correct person to contact with

this request.   We just concluded our April meeting by teleconference

and we really want to learn more.

We hope this finds you well and navigating the need for social

distancing   Joe and I do understand social distancing is a challenging

element for the deaf-blind.   You are all in our thoughts and prayers.

Best;  Talk Soon...r

321 768 9500    home office

321 890 2839    cell

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