[NFBF-L] BRAILLE MONITOR Vol 63 No 6 June 2020
valkemadenise at aol.com
Tue Jun 9 22:41:39 UTC 2020
Check out the latest issue of theBraille Monitor, the National Federation of the Blind’s flagship publication. There are articles that discuss navigating uncharted territory, learning in the time of COVID-19, audible traffic signals, and more. Read the June 2020 Braille Monitor
Denise Valkema, President National Federation of the Blind of Florida
president at nfbflorida.org
Follow us @nfbflorida
You can live the life you want.
The National Federation of the Blind is a community of members and friends who believe in the hopes and dreams of the nation’s blind. Every day we work together to help blind people live the lives they want.
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