[NFBF-L] Input from a NSU Grad and guide Dog User
Marion Gwizdala
marion.gwizdala at verizon.net
Mon Jun 15 22:43:58 UTC 2020
Freedom Guide Dogs' telephone number is 315.822.5132. BTW, I have a guide dog from Freedom - a blue merle smooth coat collie. They do exclusively home-town placements, so you don't even need to go anywhere. You own your dog when you are finished with training and the only document you sign is your application! Let them know I sent you their way!
-----Original Message-----
From: NFBF-L [mailto:nfbf-l-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Jorge Alejandro Paez via NFBF-L
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2020 12:04 PM
To: NFB of Florida Internet Mailing List
Cc: Jorge Alejandro Paez
Subject: Re: [NFBF-L] Input from a NSU Grad and guide Dog User
Hello Marion:
Thank you so much for the warning!
I did look at Fidelco but they seemed to not be that interested in their job and it just didn’t feel right to me.
So I’m glad I dodged that bullet.
As far as Southeastern thanks for letting me know since I was looking at that one as the closest option.
Can you please give me the application link for Freedom Guidedogs?
Paul Martinez recommended them as well but the site is totally inaccessible to me for some reason.
And yes, I do agree with you they seem to do a bate and switch, if that was a state agency the NFB would’ve sued them already.
Unacceptable, and I’m really shocked they’re allowed to get away with it.
> On Jun 15, 2020, at 08:50, Marion Gwizdala via NFBF-L <nfbf-l at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> George,
> Welcome to the NFB of Florida and its discussion list. My name is marion Gwizdala from Tampa. I am a graduate of Nova Southeastern University with a Master of Science degree in Mental Health Counseling. I am the current president of the National Association of Guide Dog Users, finishing my sixth and last term in July.
> As you research guide dog training programs, please be aware that not all programs transfer ownership upon completion of training and, even some that do, place strings on that ownership which is not really ownership in the true sense of the word. For instance, Fidelco guide Dogs claims they transfer ownership after six months; however, the contract users sign with them states “Fidelco has the right to repossess the dog at any time and for any reason at our sole and absolute discretion.” And they have! Is this ownership? Fidelco also employs a means test – the only guide dog training program that does! Southeastern Guide Dogs also claims it transfers ownership upon completion of trainin but requires graduates to retire their dogs on or before the dog’s eleventh birthday. Furthermore, I just learned that one of the members of the Tampa bay Chapter had his dog removed without warning and with no offer of intervention because they stated the dog was overweight. Is this really ownership?As a budding attorney, would you not consider this theft?
> Only the following programs transfer unconditional ownership without unwarranted interference upon completion of training:
> Freedom Guide Dogs
> Guide Dog Foundation
> Pilot Dogs
> The Seeing Eye
> All other programs either have an ownership policy that is paternalistic and custodial and not really ownership as most understand it or require you to prove your worthiness and ability by placing you on probation for up to two years and some even require you to apply for the ownership they promise! If blind people were treated by other rehabilitation programs the way we are treated by some guide dog training programs, the blind community would be all over that program. Why do we allow guide dog training programs to treat us like we were living in the 19th century? When bringing these things up, I hear guide dog users defending the program stating, “They must have a reason for it!” Well, if they have a reason, why do they hide behind confidentiality even when a signed authorization to release information is presented!
> So, do your homework and, if you would like some input from someone in this field for 35 years, please feel free to write or call me. My contact information is below my signature.
> Fraternally yours,
> Marion
> (813) 626-2789
> Marion.Gwizdala at verizon.net
> From: NFBF-L [mailto:nfbf-l-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Diana1 via NFBF-L
> Sent: Monday, June 15, 2020 2:47 AM
> To: NFB of Florida Internet Mailing List
> Cc: Diana1
> Subject: Re: [NFBF-L] intro
> Hello Jorge Alejandro,
> Welcome and congratulations on your choices of career.
> I wish you the best and am sure you’ll do fine.
> Even though I am relocating to Virginia this coming week, I’ll be in touch with my dear friends here in Florida, even because I am a life member of the Miami-Dade Chapter. I just resigned my secretarial position this week for obvious reasons But Florida is always going to be my first door to the NFB.
> Keep on and good luck!
> Sincerely,
> <https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1ZgHpSssGZH8Ha8eT7TdSo82HZg3BXUnY&revid=0BzVxKaP_Tl4tWlF0ZEJKeDcvUWFtbkRlTFd0RkQxZEU0bDFrPQ>
> Diana Oliveira
> NFBF Miami-Dade Chapter, life member
> NFBF Legislative Committee, member
> NFB Employment Committee, member
> NABS, member
> (305)988-2713
> (202)909-0410
> dianaoliveira58 at gmail.com
> From: Jorge Alejandro Paez via NFBF-L <mailto:nfbf-l at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Sunday, June 14, 2020 10:00 PM
> To: nfbf-l at nfbnet.org
> Cc: Jorge Alejandro Paez <mailto:iamjorgeapaez94 at gmail.com>
> Subject: [NFBF-L] intro
> Hi everyone:
> My name is Jorge Alejandro Paez and I’m a new member.
> I just became a member of the state wide chapter, as well as just got access to NewsLine a few days ago which I’m enjoying a lot.
> I’m currently in college, finishing my AA so I can transfer to Nova Southeastern’s Legal Studies duel enrolement program (basically when you get in you also get a reserved seat at the law school), where I plan to get my J.D. with a concentration of disability law and civil rights.
> I’ve also applied to several guide dog schools and hope to get a guide dog either this year or early next, depending on admissions and programing on their end.
> Anyway just wanted to post my intro on here now that I’m officially in the listserve.
> Feel free to contact me offlist at any time, I’d love to make new friends and also if you have any questions you’d rather not post on the list for any reason, I’m happy to help anyone here in any way I can.
> Thanks,
> Jorge
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