[NFBF-L] FW: Zoom Instructions for NFB-Montana Convention

Russell Davis russell at radiorusty.com
Sat Sep 19 11:32:37 UTC 2020

Good morning again,

I've been sending out the convention info. For other NFB state affiliates as many folks, (including those attending the weekly Sunrise and Shine with NFB Newsline calls, have expressed a desire to drop in on these events as they happen.

Today the NFB of Maine and NFB of Montana have their annual conventions, (virtually of course). This email contains the Zoom instructions for Montana. I stopped by their Zoom training the other afternoon and found the Montana Federation family members to be extremely friendly and welcoming. They ask me to pass along a warm invite to all of us in Florida.

Take care,

Russ Davis, 
Sunrise and Shine with NFB Neewsline

-----Original Message-----
From: president at nfbofmt.org [mailto:president at nfbofmt.org] 
Sent: Friday, September 18, 2020 4:34 PM
To: breslauerj at gmail.com; breslauerj at gmail.com; ed.worrell at icloud.com; nanciandjames at yahoo.com; buhrow at nfbcal.org; blind.grizzly at gmail.com; kas212 at gmail.com; rjaquiss at earthlink.net; lauriejaquiss at gmail.com; tangy at blue.com; dmgregg at 3rivers.net; dmgregg at 3rivers.net; bberg at mt.gov; mbriggs1 at helenaschools.org; mbennett at mt.gov; Zharshbarger at gmail.com; hal.leigland at gmail.com; sheila.leigland at gmail.com; mamarobbins9 at hotmail.com; ecrobbins517 at gmail.com; losingit54 at gmail.com; attorneywalker at gmail.com; hlschmautz at gmail.com; denisejmoses at gmail.com; travissmoses at gmail.com; jajkaldrich at gmail.com; dmgina at mysero.net; russell at radiorusty.com; Samanthachase88 at yahoo.com; valkemadenise at aol.com; d28rik at msn.com; 1889LNave at gmail.com; burke.dall at gmail.com; lindazh2 at juno.com; spayne at mt.gov; hclemenson at icloud.com; maobrien at mt.gov; kerscher at montana.com; coreen.faulkner at gmail.com; goxboxsox at gmail.com; jwenzel at blindinc.org; ncrosby at nfbtx.org; lblake at nfb.org
Subject: Zoom Instructions for NFB-Montana Convention

See you tomorrow!  Once again, here are the Zoom instructions:

The National Federation of the Blind of Montana is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: 2020 NFB of Montana Convention
Time: Sep 19, 2020 9:00 AM-5:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Meeting ID: 845 1596 0069

Three Ways to Join Our Convention:

1.	For those using a computer or a smart phone with a browser or Zoom app:

Click on the following link or cut and paste it into your browser to join Zoom Meeting


2.	For those using a standard telephone:

Dial the following number and type in the Meeting ID:

        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 845 1596 0069

3.	For those using a cell phone who want to use the number pad to control the Zoom meeting:

One tap mobile
+13462487799,,84515960069# US (Houston)

Helpful Suggestions

The Convention Agenda may be found at this link:


We expect about 40 people to participate in our virtual Convention.  This is a small enough number to allow us to use Zoom as if we were all together in the same physical room.  We plan to keep it simple and not rely too much on fancy technological methods.  As always, one must get permission from the President to speak to the Convention.  Therefore, if you wish to speak, please unmute yourself and ask the President to recognize you by giving your last name.  You may have the floor when the President grants you this privilege.  If you win a door prize or are called to speak by another Conventioneer, please unmute yourself and identify yourself verbally.

The Federation recommends the use of headsets with microphones or headphones for Zoom.  Bluetooth or wireless listening devices sometimes do not work well with video conferencing, so wired connections are best.  If you use a microphone that picks up all sounds near you, that’s OK, but please control any extra noises such as barking dogs, noisy roommates, or screen reader chatter.  The most courteous behavior is to keep your computer, smart phone, or traditional telephone muted unless you want or are asked to speak.  Generally, the closer you are to your microphone, the better it sounds and the less likely others will hear electronic feedback.

Please keep yourself muted unless you want to talk.  Here is how:
• On a computer, type Alt+A to mute and unmute; and • On a smart phone app, swipe to the mute button and activate or deactivate the mute button; and • On a telephone number pad, press *6 to mute and unmute.

To use Zoom video conferencing on a computer, one must have a working speaker and microphone.  It’s a good idea to make sure these features are activated and functioning properly before the start of the Convention.  If you run into trouble, consider using a standard telephone to join our Convention.

Zoom provides alerts that can confuse users of computers and smart phones with too much audio information.  If you do not want to know who is joining or leaving a meeting and other audio feedback, take one of these actions:
• For Jaws, press the Jaws key plus the space bar, then press he S key to toggle between regular speech and speech only on demand; and, • For NVDA, press the NVDA key plus the S key to toggle between options.  The one that silences Zoom alerts is no speech; and, • For smart phones, turn off your screen reader.

If you require assistance connecting to our Convention, our two Convention Co-hosts stand ready to lend a hand.  Their phone numbers are:
Rik James: (406) 586-4123
Sam Robbins: (602) 740-8042

Jim Marks
National Federation of the Blind of Montana president at nfbofmt.org
(406) 438-1421

You can live the life you want; blindness is not what holds you back.

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