[NFBF-L] Fwd: Fw: [FCB-L] From the July-August Talking Book Topics: NLS Patron Engagement Section launches virtual programs: First Session: Thursday, August 11, 7:00 PM Eastern Time

Judith Hamilton hamilton.j.r.2309 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 13 23:29:36 UTC 2022

Just passing this along to the library and BARD readers out there!
Judy Hamilton

-----Forwarded Message-----
From: Sheila Young <sheilayoung125 at att.net>
Sent: Jul 13, 2022 8:11 AM
To: Sheila <sheilayoung125 at att.net>
Subject: [FCB-L] From the July-August Talking Book Topics: NLS Patron
Engagement Section launches virtual programs: First Session: Thursday,
August 11, 7:00 PM Eastern Time

Original Source

*NLS Patron Engagement Section launches virtual programs*

As part of its effort to provide services, programs, and resources directly
to patrons that will enhance their library experience, the newly formed
Patron Engagement Section will be hosting a virtual Monthly BARD Review on
Zoom. This program will occur the second Thursday of each month at 7 p.m.
Eastern, starting on August 11. Each Review will last for one hour and will
discuss a predetermined topic about a component of BARD usage or a specific
BARD product. After the prepared training, patrons will have an opportunity
to ask any questions that they may have regarding the topic of the evening
or any other aspect of BARD.

To join the August 11 session, visit
<https://loc.zoomgov.com/j/1611161911?pwd=bVh5ejFsWFBlL21KY0VqaHlRMUlSQT09> or
call in by telephone at 1-669-254-5252 (meeting ID 161 116 1911).
The Patron Engagement Section is also launching a quarterly Patron Corner
program. The first Patron Corner, held on June 13, 2022, covered Everything
You Always Wanted to Know about Collection Selection, but Did Not Have the
Vehicle to Ask. For future information on upcoming Patron Engagement
Section programs, visit www.loc.gov/nls/about/services.

David Goldfield,

Blindness Assistive Technology Specialist

[image: JAWS Certified, 2022]

NVDA Certified Expert <https://certification.nvaccess.org/>

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