[NFBF-L] Reminder - NFB-NEWSLINE training in Florida June 21st at 1:30 p.m. Eastern zoom invitation included

Russell Davis russell at radiorusty.com
Mon Jun 20 22:35:13 UTC 2022

Hi everyone,


Hope that you still have your calendars marked for our second NFB-NEWSLINE training this month. We will meet again tomorrow, June 21st at 1:30 PM and will take a deeper dive into the highly useful audio information service. Our training, hosted by our National team was very well attended last week and folks on that call received a good primer on the service. Our second call tomorrow will be perfect for not only new subscribers but seasoned veterans as well.


Your NFB-NEWSLINE of Florida team will also be on the call and will b thrilled to have you join us.

Please feel free to spread the word to anyone in your network or anyone who you feel would benefit from the wonderful service known as NFB-NEWSLINE.


If you have any questions about these events or anything related to NFB-NEWSLINE, feel free to reach out to me.




Russ Davis,, Coordinator


Ph. 904-993-8433

Email: russell at radiorusty.com




The National Federation of the Blind NFB-NEWSLINE® team is pleased to announce that we will be holding two workshops on Tuesday, June 14, and Tuesday, June 21 2022 at 1:30 p.m. eastern time. We will present information about how qualified Floridians can benefit from NFB-NEWSLINE service. NFB-NEWSLINE is a free accessible audio and Braille information service for anyone who is blind, low vision, deafblind, or are otherwise print disabled. It offers access to more than five-hundred publications, national and local, newspapers, magazines, Florida state information, online information, job listings, retail ads, TV listings, emergency weather alerts, and the list keeps growing. 

John Smith – “I access NFB-NEWSLINE via the telephone. I enjoy reading the Palm Beach Post and I like to keep up on the world news. NFB-NEWSLINE allows me to keep up with local and national news. I think it’s important to know what is going on not only in my neighborhood, but around the world and NFB-NEWSLINE allows me to do that just like my sighted peers.”

In this two-part workshop we will share details about the service.

June 14, 2022 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. eastern time

You will learn who is eligible, how to get access, receive a brief demonstration, and learn about the different easy to use ways you can access NFB-NEWSLINE. 

June 21, 2022 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. eastern time

You will receive a brief summary of the topics covered in the previous session. You will then receive detailed training on how to easily use NFB-NEWSLINE with a touchtone phone, Amazon Alexa Skill, NFB-NEWSLINE iOS Mobile App, and a Victor Stream to access a world of content. This session is for potential subscribers and people who have direct interaction with subscribers and potential subscribers. We do welcome anyone who is interested in attending.

To participate in the training, please use one of the options listed below. 

Join Zoom Meeting on your computer or mobile device:

Join Zoom Meeting


One tap mobile


Dial by your location

3, 0, 1, - 7, 1, 5, - 8, 5, 9, 2 

Meeting ID:

9, 1, 6, 2, 0, 1, 8, 0, 0, 6, 2



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