[NFBF-L] Sunrise and Shine for Thursday, March 24th at 9:00 AM. That blind person who helped make me who I am, yes it's a real topic - see inside for details

russell at radiorusty.com russell at radiorusty.com
Wed Mar 23 13:46:41 UTC 2022

Good morning everyone,


Our second Sunrise and Shine  call of the month will take place tomorrow, Thursday March 24th at 9:00 AM. This call will be a bit of a throwback to calls gone by. You might remember how we had a really fun habit of taking a question and allowing everyone in the room to toss out an answer? I’m thinking that it’s way past time to do that again. But before I tell you what the super cool topic for tomorrow is, let’s set the stage for our April extravaganza. We’ll hold an anniversary celebration for Rise and Shine on Thursday, April 14th. During our call tomorrow, let’s come up with some great ideas to celebrate our second trip around the sun.

Now on to our topic of choice for tomorrow. After reviewing some NFB Newsline updates we’re going to let you tell us about who the most influential blind person in your life has been. For some, it might be a family member, a childhood friend from school. Maybe they were or are a leader from a blindness advocacy organization such as the Federation or Council. No matter who the inspiring soul in your life has been, come ready to tell us all about them. We hope that the person at the top of your personal gratitude mountain is still with us, but even If they’re not, bring them with you in your memory and honor them. I think that it would be incredible if you could convince your influencer to come with you to tomorrow’s Sunrise and Shine call. We’d love to meet them. They no doubt have something terrific to contribute to our relaxing and friendly chat as well.


If you haven’t been to one of our calls before, joining us at 9:00 AM for coffee or tea will give you a chance to find out what you’ve been missing. We always take time for welcoming new guest speakers and participants and for lots of warmth and laughter.


Most of us have become pretty familiar with attending meetings using the Zoom platform over the past couple of years and in fact, we’ve been using Zoom since we launched Rise and Shine way back on April 16th 2020. If you’re not used to using Zoom or if it’s still giving you difficulties, don’t give up just yet. You can access the meeting by clicking on he below listed web link, by using the one tap mobile feature or by dialing the phone number provided and entering the access code when prompted.


The regulars on our call are always warm and welcoming and are thrilled to see new faces. 


Hope to have you with us Thursday morning, see below for the Zoom info. The first person caught snoozing on the call has to buy me a new air conditioner, (well, two actually).


If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me before the call. Check the bottom of this email for the Zoom call-in instructions. 

Russ Davis, Coordinator
   NFB Newsline of Florida
ph. 904-993-8433 (mobile)

Email: Russell at radiorusty.com <mailto:Russell at radiorusty.com> 


NFB Newsline of Florida is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Sunrise and Shine with NFB Newsline

Date/Time: Thursday, March 24th, 2022 9:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 961 8489 5393

One tap mobile

+16468769923,,96184895393# US (New York)

Direct dial access phone number
+1 646 876 9923
Meeting ID: 961 8489 5393






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