[NFBF-L] Joe Naulty

MARILYN BALDWIN commmdb at aol.com
Sun Sep 3 13:01:26 UTC 2023

Please forgive me for not asking for your thoughts and prayers for the Deaf Blind Division, and the Melbourne Space Coast Chapter as we all mourn the passing of our beloved Joe Naulty. He loved both organizations dearly. 

Marilyn Baldwin 

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> On Sep 3, 2023, at 8:32 AM, MARILYN BALDWIN <commmdb at aol.com> wrote:
> It is with great sadness that we announce the death of our good friend and leader in the Deaf Blind Community, Mr. Joe Naulty. He was also the founder of the Melbourne Space Chapter, NFBF along with his wife Arlene. Joe was kind and patient with everyone that he met. He had a beautiful spirit, and was very dedicated to the National Federation of the Blind. Joe went home to be with our Lord early this morning. 
> Ms. Arlene is asking for our prayers for the Naulty family at this time. We will let everyone know of the funeral or memorial services as they become available. “To be absent from the body, is to be present with the Lord.” 2 Corinthians 5:8. Mr. Naulty will certainly be missed by all of those who knew and loved him. 
> Marilyn Baldwin 
> Chairman 
> Communities of Faith Committee 
> Dr. Joyce Taylor 
> Chaplain and Spiritual Advisor 
> Communities of Faith Committee
> NFBF  
> Sent from my iPad

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