[NFBF-L] Friendly reminder on our town hall Meeting this Sunday

president at nfbflorida.org president at nfbflorida.org
Thu Aug 8 22:51:29 UTC 2024

Greetings Florida Federationistts,


This is a friendly reminder on our  Town Hall Meeting this Sunday, August


As we are gathering momentum towards our 2024 State Convention in
Jacksonville, I have decided to bring our membership together on August 11,
2024, at 7:00Pm in a town hall meeting so the affiliate board can provide
necessary information as we finalize our arrangements for our convention.


The Florida Affiliate Secretary has posted the calling information for the
town hall meeting in the Florida listserv and I would like to see all
chapters and divisions board members present, members, Kenneth Jernigan
scholarship winners, recipients of the Florida  sponsorships, and
perspective members to the blind movement


Please ensure that this correspondence is widely distributed within the
chapters and divisions membership.  I would like to see a large contingency
of our members together so they are actively participating in our affiliate
as we experience during our national convention.  Let's keep the enthusiasm
that we  all shared during our national convention so we can make our 2024
state convention memorable.


Just a few topics that will be covers are as follows:

*	Online registration
*	National representative 
*	Auction 
*	  Rooms for chapters / divisions .


As mentioned, we will be having online registration on our NFB of Florida
website.  This process will be published once our national office completes
the registration form.  The registration process will be similar to our
national convention registration form.  We expect to have this online
shortly.  Also, we will be announcing our national representative that is
assigned to our convention, as well as the exciting dollar auction.  


I have included the zoom calling information below for your convenience.

house rules: 

*	All participants will be muted upon entry. 
*	Each participant will be given the opportunity to ask one question. 
*	Please raise your hand, once the floor is open,  if you wish to ask
a question (phone: press *6 to raise your hand; computer: Windows users
press Alt plus Y and Mac users press Option plus Y; app: press the 'raise
hand" button at the bottom of your screen or by selecting it on the screen
after you have selected your name in the participants list) 
*	The host or co-hosts will ask you to unmute before you can unmute

 Note: Zoom has made some changes to our Zoom account in recent months. At
this time, we have a waiting room enabled for all Zoom rooms. Please be
patient while the host and co-hosts admit you to the Zoom room. 


NFBFL President Hernandez is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: NFBF Town Hall-2024 State Convention 

Time: Sunday, Aug 11, 7 P.M. EDT


Join Zoom Meeting

https://nfb-org.zoom.us/j/97915017212 <https://nfb-orgzoom.us/j/97915017212>

Meeting ID: 979 1501 7212


One tap mobile
+13052241968,,97915017212# US
+16468769923,,97915017212# US (New York)


Thanking you in advance for your participation.





Jorge Hernandez, President

National Federation of the Blind of Florida

Board of Directors

www.nfbflorida.org <http://www.nfbflorida.org> 


president at nfbflorida.org <mailto:president at nfbflorida.org> 


"Live the life you want"


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