[NFBF-L] Ask your Representative to support the Blind Americans Return to Work Act of 2024

Javier Diaz javi0680 at msn.com
Mon Aug 26 00:49:34 UTC 2024

Hello all,

I ask that you please consider taking a few minutes of your time this week to call your U.S. Representative's office and to let them know that as a constituent you would like for them to consider supporting H.R. 8878, the Blind Americans Return to Work Act of 2024.

You can find your Representative's contact info here:

You truly do not need to say much. You do not need to explain the details of the bill . This is what I said when I called my Rep's D.C. office:

"Hello, my name is Javier Diaz and as a constituent of Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, I would like Mr. Diaz-Balart to consider supporting the Blind Americans Return to Work Act of 2024. This bill will help blind individuals like me to continue/return to work."

In addition, you will just need to provide your name and contact information. It will only take you two minutes to lookup your Rep. And only three minutes to make the call, guaranteed, or your money back.

Several days later you should receive a response like this:

Dear Javier,

Thank you for contacting me regarding H.R. 8878, the Blind Americans Return to Work Act of 2024. I always appreciate hearing from constituents back home as it helps me better serve you in the 118th Congress.

H.R. 8878 was introduced on June 28, 2024 by Rep. Pete Sessions (TX-17). As you already know, the bill would amend title II of the Social Security Act to require the Commissioner of Social Security to carry out a demonstration project relating to disability benefits of blind individuals. H.R. 8878 has been referred to the House Ways & Means Committee for further review. While I do not sit on this Committee, rest assured I will keep your thoughts in mind regarding co-sponsorship and should this bill come before me for a vote on the House floor.

Again, thank you for contacting me. Please do not hesitate to do so in the future, should you have any other questions or concerns about this or any other issue.



Mario Diaz-Balart

If you've ever been on SSDI while working or trying to return to work, you know how important this bill is. If you don't know, just reach out to me. If you need information on any of the Social Security work incentives that already exist, please feel free to reach out to me.


Javier Diaz, MS CFP® RMA® ChSNC®
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