[NFBF-L] 2025 Washington Seminar and Legislative Committee meeting - - Tomorrow, Tuesday, November 26th at 8:00 PM - The work continues

russell at radiorusty.com russell at radiorusty.com
Mon Nov 25 11:45:16 UTC 2024

Hi Steve,


Thanks so much for catching this, I tried really hard not to do something confusing like this, but…that’s what I get for being up early.


I’ll restate here that our meeting will occur on Tuesday, November 26th at 8:00 PM, (not on Thursday).


Thanks for keeping me honest.






From: Steve Cook <cookcafe at sc.rr.com> 
Sent: Monday, November 25, 2024 6:14 AM
To: russell at radiorusty.com
Subject: RE: 2025 Washington Seminar and Legislative Committee meeting - - Tomorrow, Tuesday, November 26th at 8:00 PM - The work continues


Just to let you know. At the top of your message, you talk about meeting on Tuesday. Then at the bottom you talk about seeing you on Thursday. LOL


Steve Cook, Board Member

National Association of Guide Dog Users

 <mailto:scook at nagdu.org> scook at nagdu.org

(803) 260-1292

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From: russell at radiorusty.com <mailto:russell at radiorusty.com>  <russell at radiorusty.com <mailto:russell at radiorusty.com> > 
Sent: Monday, November 25, 2024 6:06 AM
To: russell at radiorusty.com <mailto:russell at radiorusty.com> 
Subject: FW: 2025 Washington Seminar and Legislative Committee meeting - - Tomorrow, Tuesday, November 26th at 8:00 PM - The work continues


Hello Federation Family, Friends and Supporters!


As we had announced during our legislative workshop at State Convention in Jacksonville just a couple of weeks ago, we will need to hold our Legislative Committee meeting on a non-traditional day this month. Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, we will hold an important Legislative Committee meeting this Tuesday, November 26th at 8:00 PM.  Frankly, I was all in for holding our meeting on Turkey Day, but received lots of loud gobbling and a firm, “no”, from the many workshop attendees in the room, so, this Tuesday it is!


 We will announce during the meeting, our 2025 Washington Seminar delegation and are excited to say that we have many new bright and smiling faces in the group. Obtaining success with our 2025 legislative priorities will take a dedicated effort from not just those eight Florida Federationists who are braving the cold of February but all of us here in Florida. We’ll discuss how we can work as a team over the next two years of the 119th Congress.


Please understand that our work in the 118th Congress is not done. As many of you heard last week, we are still making efforts to get our 2024 legislative priorities through the House and Senate before those bodies adjourn next month. I’ll have an update on what steps we can take to stay involved and have a positive impact on the lives of blind Americans throughout the rest of this term.


Camille Tate will have some terrific information about our plans to seek support from our Florida State House and Senate members on several legislative priorities in 2025. We will not be able to accomplish our goals if we wait until 2025 to get started, so all of us will need to get to work soon and lay the groundwork for an intense and focused legislative campaign in Tallahassee.


Camille and I agreed that we want to make sure that our meetings stay fresh, relevant and interesting. With those thoughts in mind, we have planned some interesting topic discussions and presentations for the upcoming get together. I don’t think you are going to want to miss it.


Tuesday night certainly gives us the opportunity to learn from one another on some items of major importance. I know that your time is valuable so I want to make sure that you come away from the meeting having had the chance to learn more about and gain some excitement for, the legislative process. During last years Legislative Committee meetings, which I’m thrilled to say were well attended, I’ve continued to receive positive feedback on the idea that we use our calls to gain knowledge and to learn from one another. We will be preparing to move ourselves forward with our in State campaign of action and advocacy soon and will need all of the support and involvement of members and supporters that we can muster. As we move through the months of 2024, we will need full participation from every Chapter and Division, whether you are in the North, South, East or West of Florida. One important thing I’d like to point out, is that Florida needs involvement from members in each of its 28 Congressional Districts. We don’t have that now, but it is something that is desperately needed. Having you with us this Thursday evening is key.


Please see the Zoom link for the meeting below. Looking forward to having you with us on Tuesday.




Russ Davis, Legislative Director

National Federation of the Blind of Florida

Ph. 904-993-8433

Email: russell at radiorusty.com <mailto:russell at radiorusty.com> 


The National Federation of the Blind of Florida is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. 


Topic: Legislative committee 

Date/Time: Tuesday, November 26th, 2024, 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) 


Join Zoom Meeting 



Meeting ID: 944 1634 6364 

One tap mobile 

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+16468769923,,94416346364# US (New York) 

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