[NFBF-L] six days until our 54th Annual State convention

president at nfbflorida.org president at nfbflorida.org
Sat Oct 5 13:27:38 UTC 2024

Good morning Federation Family:


As our  convention nears, I would like to remind all of us a couple of
important topics.


First, I would  like to wish all of you save travels to Jacksonville
Florida.  We the affiliate board is eager to once again have all  of our
federation family assembled in convention and  enjoy each other's company.
Please remember that there is lots to do during our three day convention.
For details on workshops, special meetings, and many other convention
information, you can visit the NFB Florida website under affiliate
convention, and download the 2024 convention agenda.


Second, ensure that you pack proper attire for banquet.  This year's
national representative is Everette Bacon, Second vice president, National
Federation of the Blind.  As always, all of us are excited to hear the
banquet speech as well as a report from our national office.  Let's show our
appreciation and give Everette a warm and welcoming Duval to Everette.


Third, those leaders who are part of the nominating committee, you will
receive an Email from the nominating committee chair, Miranda Kilby,
President of the Tampa Chapter requesting who will be the delegate and
alternate delegate to serve in the nominating committee.  Remember, only one
person will be able to participate in this committee.  For example, if your
chapter president is serving on the nominating committee, and the vice
President is the alternate, hen, the president of the chapter is  the  only
person allowed in the room.  If for any circumstances the  president cannot
attend the committee meeting, then, the alternate will be allowed to attend
the meeting.


Lastly, during the row call of chapters, I will be asking several questions:

*	Who is serving in the nominating committee (delegate and alternate).

*	How many members are present from your chapter.
*	How many members are first timers.
*	Is the chapter pledging any funds to the affiliate.


This will occur during the Affiliate Open board Meeting on Friday, October
11th, 2024 at 8:00PM so let's all be ready  to address the membership so we
can have a smooth and efficient board meeting.


Again, have save travels to Jacksonville and see you all in  six days.




Jorge Hernandez, President

National Federation of the Blind of Florida

Board of Directors

www.nfbflorida.org <http://www.nfbflorida.org> 


president at nfbflorida.org <mailto:president at nfbflorida.org> 


"Live the life you want"


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