[NFBF-L] No Sunrise and Shine for tomorrow, Thursday, 24th - but we'll return shortly, on November 14th

russell at radiorusty.com russell at radiorusty.com
Wed Oct 23 22:01:06 UTC 2024

Hello 'Rise and Shine family!

Sunrise and Shine with NFB-NEWSLINE will be taking tomorrow off, so we will
not hold a call Thursday, October 24th at 9:00 AM as had been expected. A
schedule conflict has prevented me from being available.

We hope that you will come back and join us for a big, big show on Thursday,
September 12th at 9:00 AM. I'm working on the details for an exciting "Rise
and Shine with a new topic. It's time for something different!

Stay tuned and we'll have the details out to you soon.

Enjoy your day off tomorrow and again, I can't wait to see you again, (after
the National Federation of the Blind of Florida annual Affiliate convention
in Jacksonville),on November 14 at 9:00 AM.


Russ Davis, Coordinator

NFB-NEWS3LINE of Florida

Ph. 904-993-8433

Email: russell at radiorusty.com <mailto:russell at radiorusty.com>

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