[NFBF-L] 2024 Annual State Convention Information

president at nfbflorida.org president at nfbflorida.org
Wed Sep 4 00:31:40 UTC 2024

Florida Federation Family,


We are only 38 days away from our 54th Annual State Convention.  


As we are gathering momentum to attend our convention, I would like to
provide you with some information when we are at convention.


First, this year during the open board meeting we will be asking chapters
and divisions for pledges.  These pledges could be spread throughout the
course of the year so the chapter / division does not have a financial
burden.  However, if your chapter has the funds to pledge the amount  and
have no Burdon on donating the entire amount, then, you can bring check on


Also, if you would  like to pledge as an individual member, you can do so as
well.  The same could be done as mentioned above.  You can bring check on
hand and when we finish with the roll call of chapters / divisions, we will
have ample time for those members to make their pledges 


Second, our nominating committee chair will be reaching out to chapters to
request who will be representing your chapter during the most important
section of our convention, nominating our leaders!  When your chapter is
called during  the roll call, you must provide who will be representing your
chapter (delegate) at the nominating committee and who will be your
alternate.  Please remember that only one person will be present during the
nominating committee.  If no member is representative from your chapter,
that chapter will not have a seat at the committee.  However, the president
can send a delegate, but the president must contact the nominating committee
chair with the name of the person who will be present at convention.


Third, make sure  you register for convention and book your room quickly
before rooms are all gone.  Use the online registration at
https://www.nfbflorida.org and go to affiliate convention, click read more
about  the convention, and you will have all the necessary information such
as dates, room booking, convention registration, and much more.  Also, the
agenda will be posted soon to the website when it becomes available.
Formats will be in BRF and word for your convenience.


Lastly, do not forget to fill out the first timers sponsorship for those
first timers.  This form was provided via the listserv.  If any member has
not received this form, please reach out to your chapter president so they
can assist you on completing the form, or reach out  to any affiliate board
member, and we will gladly assist you.  


This form is only for first timers to our convention.  If you have attended
convention before, please do not fill out the form, again, this is for first
timers only.


The Florida Affiliate is eager to see you all at Jacksonville Florida in
October 11th, 2024.





Jorge Hernandez, President

National Federation of the Blind of Florida

Board of Directors

www.nfbflorida.org <http://www.nfbflorida.org> 


president at nfbflorida.org <mailto:president at nfbflorida.org> 


"Live the life you want"


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