[NFBF-L] FW: Legislative Alert: Action Required

PLipovsky plipovsky at cfl.rr.com
Fri Feb 14 00:09:02 UTC 2025

See below, I wonder how this got by all of us in September of 2024 without
our knowledge?


Subject: [Announce] lawsuit brought against Section 504


Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is a pivotal law to uphold the
rights of people with disabilities. The law says that all programs receiving
federal funding, which is a substantial portion of programs, must provide
accommodations for persons with disabilities. We believe that the law is
extremely vulnerable at this time. In September of 2024, a lawsuit was
brought by 17 states against the U.S. government to overturn the law; this
would enable services receiving federal dollars to stop providing the
necessary accommodations our community so greatly needs. For instance,
medical providers could simply choose to make their online services
inaccessible for blind and low-vision patients, and our population would
have no legal recourse to fight back.


The first round of regulations for Section 504 was implemented by the
government in 1977, four years after the adoption of the law. A new and
greatly needed update to the regulations was not adopted until 2024. ACB
played a role in drafting comments for the Notice of Proposed Rule-Making
that was used to develop the eventual updated regulations. 


The lawsuit, Texas v. Becerra, was brought by the following states: Alaska,
Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana,
Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, and
West Virginia. Advocates urge residents of the 17 states to contact their
state attorneys general and explain why the elimination of Section 504 would
be so detrimental for people with disabilities. If your state is not one of
the listed 17 states, you can also contact your state's attorney general and
encourage them to draft an amicus brief for the pending lawsuit.



Claire Stanley, J.D.

Director of Advocacy and Governmental Affairs



From: NFBF-L <nfbf-l-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of president--- via
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2025 6:42 PM
To: nfbf-l at nfbnet.org; 'NFB of Florida List for Leaders'
<nfbf-leaders at nfbnet.org>
Cc: president at nfbflorida.org
Subject: [NFBF-L] FW: Legislative Alert: Action Required


Greetings Florida: 


Many of you have received the below email, which advises of an attack on
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. We are crafting a template
email that you can use to contact the Office of the Attorney General in
Florida. We are, of course, in opposition to this attempt to deem Section
504 as unconstitutional. 


  Camille Tate, president

National Federation of the Blind of Florida 

Board of Directors 

www.nfbflorida.org <http://www.nfbflorida.org/> 

Tel: 321.372.4899


With love, hope and determination, we transform dreams into reality.


From: camille.tate320 at gmail.com <camille.tate320 at gmail.com> 
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2025 6:38 PM
To: president at nfbflorida.org
Subject: FW: Legislative Alert: Action Required






Camille Tate, Treasurer 

Mmelbourne Space Coast Chapter 

National Federation of the Blind of Florida 

E:  <mailto:camille.tate320 at gmail.com> camille.tate320 at gmail.com

C: 321372 4899


From: National Federation of the Blind <webmaster at nfb.org
<mailto:webmaster at nfb.org> > 
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2025 5:03 PM
To: Camille Tate <camille.tate320 at gmail.com
<mailto:camille.tate320 at gmail.com> >
Subject: Legislative Alert: Action Required




Immediate Action Required Regarding Section 504

Dear Federation Members,

A number of you have asked about the below matter. The National Federation
of the Blind is deeply concerned about the Texas v. Becerra case that has
been brought by seventeen states' attorney generals. These seventeen states
(Alaska, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas,
Louisiana, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas,
Utah, and West Virginia) have sued the federal government regarding updated
rules which add "gender dysphoria" to the federal definition of "disability"
under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with
Disabilities Act. 

As a result, these states have charged that this addition to the regulations
renders Section 504 unconstitutional. As a reminder, Section 504 requires
that entities which receive federal funding, like schools and hospitals,
cannot discriminate on the basis of disability. 

Fortunately, we are not alone in our concerns. Other organizations, such as
the National Disability Rights Network, the National Council on Independent
Living, the American Association of People with Disabilities, the Disability
Rights Education and Defense Fund, and many, many more have also voiced
their displeasure with this lawsuit. 

You can help in this cause! If you live in one of the states listed above,
you can contact your state's attorney general and/or the Governor and ask
that the state drop the lawsuit. Be sure to tell them who you are and why
Section 504 is important to you so they can fully understand the gravity of
the situation. Remind them that Section 504 protects blind and other
disabled people from discrimination by entities that receive federal funds.
We are carefully monitoring this situation and will keep everyone advised of
any new developments. 

Mark A. Riccobono, President










National Federation of the Blind | 200 E Wells Street | Baltimore, MD 21230
| 410-659-9314 

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