Aim High, Accessible Instructional Materials in Higher Education Act (H.R. 1772/S. 2138) introduced by: 3/29/17 by David Roe, (TN) 82 House cosponsors (Nationally) 8 Florida House cosponsors: District Representative 4 Rutherford, John 5 Lawson, Al 7 Murphy, Stephanie 8 Posey, Bill 12 Bilirakis, Gus M. 15 Ross, Dennis 18 Mast, Brian 27 Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana Florida Representatives that have not cosponsored: District Representative 1 Gaetz, Matt 2 Dunn, Neal 3 Yoho, Ted 6 DeSantis, Ron 9 Soto, Darren 10 Demings, Val 11 Webster, Daniel 13 Crist, Charlie 14 Castor, Kathy 16 Buchanan, Vern 17 Rooney, Tom 19 Rooney, Francis 20 Hastings, Alcee L. 21 Frankel, Lois 22 Deutch , Theodore 23 Wasserman Schultz, Debbie 24 Wilson, Frederica 25 Diaz-Balart, Mario 26 Curbelo, Carlos 3 Senate cosponsors Nationally Florida Senators cosponsors: none (June 2, 2018)