[NFBF-Melbourne] FW: [NFBF-Leaders] FPOBC Selling cane identifiers for Orlando BELL 2020

ctate2076 at att.net ctate2076 at att.net
Tue Apr 2 23:38:22 UTC 2019



From: NFBF-Leaders <nfbf-leaders-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of DENISE VALKEMA via NFBF-Leaders
Sent: Tuesday, April 2, 2019 7:15 PM
To: NFBF <nfbf-leaders at nfbnet.org>; NFBF <nfbf-l at nfbnet.org>
Cc: DENISE VALKEMA <valkemadenise at aol.com>
Subject: [NFBF-Leaders] FPOBC Selling cane identifiers for Orlando BELL 2020



To support our future efforts to provide a one of a kind Orlando BELL Academy, high quality experience to our students the Parent's division will be selling personalized cane identifiers. Its always the season to let our BELL's ring for literacy and there's no better way to show your support for our BELL Academy than by purchasing an handmade, handstamped cane identifier! Our cane identifiers come with a handstamped word such as dreams, goals, seek, live, laugh, YOLO, faith, love on a metal cirlce, square or heart in print on one side and the word embossed  in crystal braille on the back, along with a decorative tassel attached to a ring.  The cane identifiers can be personalized with a name with up to 6 letters.  They will be available for purchase at Convention for $8.00 and can be mailed for an additional $3.00.  If you wish to have one personalized with a name or preorder, please contact Misti Liborio via text at (754)264-3856 <tel:(754)264-3856>  or via Facebook.  

All proceeds raised will directly benefit our Florida BELL Academy, which will provide 2 weeks of intense braille and non visual skills instruction to children ages 5-12!


Denise Valkema, President  National Federation of the Blind of Florida 


president at nfbflorida.org <mailto:president at nfbflorida.org> 

www.nfbflorida.org <http://www.nfbflorida.org> 

Follow us @nfbflorida

You can live the life you want.

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