[NFBF-Melbourne] Fwd: All Points Bulletin! NFB-NEWSLINE

Camille Tate ctate2076 at att.net
Sat Jun 22 11:11:42 UTC 2019


Camille Tate

President, Melbourne Space Coast Chapter , National Federation of the Blind, FL

Board of Directors, National Federation of the Blind, FL

Email: ctate2076 at att.net

Phone:  321 372 4899

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Scott White <swhite at nfb.org>
> Date: June 21, 2019 at 5:15:51 PM EDT
> To: Camille Tate <ctate2076 at att.net>
> Subject: All Points Bulletin! NFB-NEWSLINE
> We want to ask you to help us spread the word that NFB-NEWSLINE can help you live the life you want at #NFB19!
> If you have experienced the benefits of NFB-NEWSLINE, the world's premiere audio information service sponsored by the National Federation of the Blind, please consider donating a couple of hours to assist us with our convention activities. Come join us and have some fun conversation with other Federationists while sharing the independence that NFB-NEWSLINE provides you in your daily life.
> In the Exhibit Hall at the NFB-NEWSLINE table, we need help distributing literature, signing up subscribers, and answering those all-important questions about the service. Come and chat with other convention attendees and visit with NFB-NEWSLINE staff while dispensing your knowledge to Exhibit Hall travelers.
> If you can assist us in the Exhibit Hall, please let us know in an email to swhite at nfb.org or give us a call at 410-659-9314, extension 2231. When contacting us, please provide your cell phone number so we can contact you at convention if needed. 
> I am looking forward to seeing you at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino in a few weeks.
> Thank you in advance for sharing some of your convention time with us!
> Scott White
> Director of Sponsored Technology Programs
> National Federation of the Blind
> National Federation of the Blind | nfb.org | 866-504-7300 | nfbnewsline at nfb.org
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