[NFBF-Melbourne] FW: Legislative Alert: Florida Blind Parents Initiative
ctate2076 at att.net
ctate2076 at att.net
Tue May 28 13:16:37 UTC 2019
Hello MSCC Members:
Please see the below. We will discuss at our June 8 chapter meeting.
From: ctate2076 at att.net <ctate2076 at att.net>
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2019 9:13 AM
To: 'NFB of Florida Internet Mailing List' <nfbf-l at nfbnet.org>; 'NFB of
Florida List for Leaders' <nfbf-leaders at nfbnet.org>
Cc: 'Email:' <ctate2076 at att.net>
Subject: Legislative Alert: Florida Blind Parents Initiative
Greetings Florida:
I hope everyone is recovering from our awesome state convention! It was
wonderful to see old friends and make new ones. Let us take the momentum
from our convention and build the National Federation of the Blind!
One of our legislative priorities for 2020 Legislative Session is the Blind
Parents Initiative. Merry Schoch and I handed out packets for each chapter,
which holds information for our national and state priorities. One of those
priorities is to protect and preserve the rights of blind parents in
Inside the folder, towards the back, is a brochure, Parenting Without Sight,
our model parental rights bill, the resolution regarding blind parents
(which passed our National Convention in 2016) and a letter signed by
President Denise Valkema. For convenience, I have attached those documents
to this email.
The next legislative session begins on January 14, 2020. In order to make it
into the session, we must court our House and Senate members to introduce
our bills. This takes each and every one of us, working as a team. Make
appointments with your state House and Senate members, urging them to join
us in protecting our blind parents and families. If you do not know who your
state Representative or Senator is, we will help you find him or her. If you
have questions, need help or have suggestions for our campaign, please
contact me, using the information in my signature below.
It is time to raise our collective voices together and keep our children in
our loving families!
Camille Tate
President, Melbourne Space Coast Chapter, National Federation of the Blind,
Board of Directors, National Federation of the Blind, FL
Email: ctate2076 at att.net <mailto:ctate2076 at att.net>
Phone: 321 372 4899
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