[NFBF-Melbourne] FW: [NFBF-Leaders] NFB in the News

ctate2076 at att.net ctate2076 at att.net
Tue Aug 18 11:36:46 UTC 2020

Here is where you might see the results of all those requests I make to contact certain legislators. 




From: NFBF-Leaders <nfbf-leaders-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of DENISE VALKEMA via NFBF-Leaders
Sent: Monday, August 17, 2020 9:54 PM
To: NFBF <nfbf-l at nfbnet.org>; NFBF <nfbf-leaders at nfbnet.org>
Cc: DENISE VALKEMA <valkemadenise at aol.com>
Subject: [NFBF-Leaders] NFB in the News


NFB In the News:

As the leading advocate for all blind Americans, the National Federation of the Blind is often featured in a variety of news outlets at both the national and local level. Recent articles include topics on mail-in ballot discrimination, access to voting, and Netflix’s new playback speed. Check out the latest articles in our <https://www.nfb.org/about-us/press-room> press room. The press room also includes important press releases, news briefs, and public service announcements


Denise Valkema, President  National Federation of the Blind of Florida 


president at nfbflorida.org <mailto:president at nfbflorida.org> 

www.nfbflorida.org <http://www.nfbflorida.org> 

Follow us @nfbflorida

You can live the life you want.

The National Federation of the Blind is a community of members and friends who believe in the hopes and dreams of the nation’s blind. Every day we work together to help blind people live the lives they want.

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