[NFBF-Melbourne] [nfbfl-faith] Update on "Prayers for my Mom"

Kathy Davis kdavisnfbf at cfl.rr.com
Sun Aug 23 01:45:06 UTC 2020

We love you too Joyce! What good news it is that your precious mother is
able to eat normally once more. I know she is comforted having you right
there by her bedside! 

Without question we will continue prayer for strength for both you and your
mother as well as a successful surgery without the gangrene spreading to her

I know these are tough times for you but we have you lifted up to Jesus to
make you adequate for whatever lies ahead. He knows your heart and it is a
heart of great faith in the Lord. Do keep us posted and know that so many of
your NFBF friends have you and your mom covered up in prayer. 







From: nfbfl-faith at groups.io <nfbfl-faith at groups.io> On Behalf Of Joyce
Sent: Friday, August 21, 2020 10:54 PM
To: nfbfl-faith at groups.io; 'NFB of Florida Melbourne Space Coast Chapter
List' <nfbf-melbourne at nfbnet.org>
Subject: [nfbfl-faith] Update on "Prayers for my Mom"


Hello Everyone! I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and
everyone who prayed for my Mom.  It's a miracle!  Even though she is still
on hospice, she is now able to swallow and eat her soft foods at 1000
percent which eliminates all feeding tubes being inserted and the nasal tube
as well.  On Monday, August 10th, she swallowed for the first time in three
weeks, then the next day she accepted food and the rest is history!  I had a
chance to sit with her for a long period of time and listen to her eat
breakfast and lunch.  I was amazed of how good God is!  


Now the only thing that we need to pray for is her left foot.  Gangrene has
set in and amputation has been recommended.  Pray that the infection does
not spread to her leg.  As soon as she has enough strength, the doctor will
consider removing either two toes or the entire foot; they are not su5re


Please continue to pray.


I love you all and appreciate your thoughts and prayers.  Remember, prayer
changes things!


Love you,


Dr. JT



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