[NFBF-Melbourne] FW: [NFBF-Leaders] Announcing the 2020 Student Scholarship recipients

ctate2076 at att.net ctate2076 at att.net
Sat Aug 29 18:28:09 UTC 2020

MSCC Members: 


Here is where your scholarship contribution went! 


From: NFBF-Leaders <nfbf-leaders-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Merry
Schoch via NFBF-Leaders
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2020 1:45 PM
To: 'NFB of Florida Internet Mailing List' <nfbf-l at nfbnet.org>; 'NFB of
Florida List for Leaders' <nfbf-leaders at nfbnet.org>
Cc: merrys at verizon.net
Subject: [NFBF-Leaders] Announcing the 2020 Student Scholarship recipients


Dear Florida Federation Family,

It is with great pleasure I introduce our 2020 Student Scholarship
recipients. Each will receive an award of $1500. Congratulations to the
following students:

Meliora Hatcher, her scholarship will be presented by the Tallahassee
chapter. Meliora's mentor is Jada Christy.

Z'Leah Nyirah Liburd, her scholarship will be presented by the Tampa Bay &
Miami Dade chapters. Z'Leah's mentor is Miranda Kilby.

Sofia Nadramia, her scholarship will be presented by the Jacksonville
chapter. Sofia's mentor is Jorge Hernandez.

Jannik L. Pesch, his scholarship will be presented by the the Statewide
chapter. Jannik's mentor is Paul Martinez.


Lea Schiefele, her scholarship will be presented by the Melbourne Space
Coast chapter. Lea's mentor is Camille Tate.


Erica Avis Thomas, her scholarship will be presented by the Daytona Beach
chapter. Erica's mentor is Brian Norton.


Congratulations to all the 2020 NFBF Scholarship recipients.


When you have the opportunity to meet them during our state convention, our
listserv, or any other platform, please congratulate them and welcome them
into the National Federation of the Blind of Florida. We could not have
awarded the amount of scholarships without the support of the generous
contributions of the chapters listed above .  Thank you!I appreciate the
scholarship committee members for their dedication and hard work as they
continue to support this valuable program of the National Federation of the
Blind of Florida.

With warmest regards,

Merry C. Schoch

2020 NFBF Scholarship Chair


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