Joyce Taylor dr.joycetaylor56 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 22 04:09:19 UTC 2020



From: Joyce Taylor <dr.joycetaylor56 at gmail.com> 
Sent: Saturday, March 21, 2020 10:50 PM
To: 'Joyce Taylor' <Dr.joycetaylor56 at gmail.com>


Hello Everyone!  Praise the Lord for He is Good and His mercy endureth forever!  Even though we are living in perilous times, it is not the end because the dispensation of the Fullness of Times has not yet come and the scriptures must be fulfilled.  THIS TOO SHALL PASS!  It  seems as though God has captured the entire world as His audience and He has our full attention.  Some might say, okay Lord, we get the picture so now can we return back to our normal lives?  No, God doesn’t want us to return back to what we would call “normal” because obviously it wasn’t  good enough but His Will for us would be to reverence, worship and obey His Word.  He inhabits the praises of His people and He is not getting the praise He deserves.  He said that no man will EVER get His glory and it seems as though there are men WHO would like to be in charge, so God had to show up and show out Oh yes, He is showing that He is God all by Himself and He does not need anyone else to assist Him in reigning on His throne!  God is still instructing us through His Word as to how we should conduct our lives and trust Him no matter what.   He counsels and coerces us that it is beneficial to adhere to His  commandments, ordinances and statutes.  Just remember that when God speaks, JUST DO IT!  It would behoove us to listen because God knows the master plan.  He is infinite and our finite minds will never comprehend the all-knowing God.  Just ask Noah; it had never rained before, but God said build the ark and He did just that without understanding why, he was obedient.  And we know the end of the story; it paid off in the end.  When God shut the door, it was not to b opened until the flood was over.  Yes, God called a shut in and they were isolated for 40 days and nights until everything was washed or baptized.  So let us Take heed, anoit yourselves, your children and your homes and plead the blood of Jesus because when God sees the blood, He will pass over.   

Below is a message from Elder Joseph Barrett, my Greek Professor, which I found to be very intriguing, and I pray that you will be enlightened and encouraged as well.


God bless,


Dr. Joyce Taylor, VP, MSCC

Communities of Faith Committee Member


From: Joseph Barrett <josephebarrett at gmail.com <mailto:josephebarrett at gmail.com> > 


"Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment until the indignation be overpast"

(Isaiah 26:20.) 

I am convinced we are in the beginning stages of the last days as prophesied by Jesus in Matthew 24. The current coronavirus pestilence has caught the

world by surprise, and woefully unprepared. The last time a pestilence paralyzed the world population to the extent seen today was the Spanish flu of 1918-1920,

a hundred years ago. But, comparatively speaking, the coronavirus is ten times worse than the flu according to Anthony Fauci, director of the National

Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force. Coronavirus is more subtle than the seasonal

flu (influenza) in that an infected person can be asymptomatic (showing or experiencing no symptoms.) Unaware they are carriers of this virulent virus,

asymptomatic people can innocently infect others such as family members, co-workers, and friends and acquaintances. 

The draconian measures city, state, and federal governments have been forced to enact remind me of the 1950s Sci-Fi movie "The Day the Earth Stood Still."

It tells the story of an alien who came to earth to warn governments that their constant wars and violence pose a threat to alien civilizations. In order

to demonstrate that he has the ability to destroy the earth, he devised a global, but harmless catastrophe. He stopped all machines, vehicles, and devices.

In like manner, a microscopic virus devoid of intelligence has brought the globe to her knees. States such as California and New York have ordered nonessential

workplaces to close and workers to remain at home. Many other states have imposed curfews. (The curfew in New Jersey where I live is from 8 PM TO 5 AM.)

All stores with exceptions such as food stores and pharmacies have been closed. The president has advised gatherings no larger than ten people. Broadway,

movie theaters, gyms, fast food restaurants, except for delivery and take-out, have been closed. Professional sports agencies like the NBA (National Basketball

Association,) NFL (National Football League,) and soccer have canceled their seasons. Many churches have closed their doors opting instead to Livestream

their worship services. 

The coronavirus pestilence has been sent by God, or at the very least, allowed to inflict mankind because humanity has forgot God (Psalm 9:17.) Man has

determined to go his own way and make his own decisions as though God does not 

exist. What God has condemned such as homosexuality and transgenderism is openly embraced and actually celebrated and encouraged. This devastating pandemic

has been sent to remind humanity God is not pleased and He is in control. Despite our best efforts, many are suffering and dying. And like earthquakes

and tornadoes, man is powerless against coronavirus despite his advanced technology. This pandemic should serve as a wakeup call to the ungodly. It is

but a relatively mild foretaste (judgment) of what is to come as foretold in Matthew 24 and the book of Revelation. 

Isaiah 26:20 echoes what our government has advised all individuals to do - hide. It reads "Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy

doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast." But why should people quarantine or isolate themselves

in their homes in the midst of this pestilence? Verse 21 answers that question. "For, behold, the LORD cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants

of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain." As He did in the Egyptian Passover, God is

moving through the land in judgment today. The best protection is isolation. What about the overly spiritual who say that believers should just trust in

God with respect to church gatherings? Satan tried to tempt Jesus to throw Himself from the pinnacle of a temple (Matthew 4:5-6.) Jesus responded by quoting

the Old Testament (Psalm 91:11-12.) "...Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God" (Matthew 4:7b.) There is a time for saints to gather themselves in a building

for corporate worship ("church.") And there is a time to refrain from such physical gatherings. This is such a time. God has given his people common sense

and wisdom. Physically gathering ourselves together in these last days is tempting God. 

Additionally, believers who are naive and ignorant of Scripture do more harm than good. Despising good counsel such as that given by Isaiah 26:20 cannot

be justified by answering "trust in God." A believer trusts in God by obeying Him and "rightly dividing" all Scripture. In regards to the coronavirus judgment

sweeping through the land today, trusting in God means taking the counsel of Isaiah 26:20 personally. To neglect this is nothing short of selfishness.

How so? This deadly pestilence can be caught without displaying any symptoms. Ignoring isolation means putting the most vulnerable of us such as the elderly

and those with compromised immune systems and underlying health issues at risk which could be fatal to them (our children and parents and grandparents.)

No Christian would ever just think of himself and neglect the welfare of others. 

Isaiah 26:20 is for today. It is counsel to isolate ourselves against the deadly coronavirus. As important as isolation is, to view this pandemic as a

judgment is 

also important. No evildoer will escape the wrath of God. Therefore God is calling for the nations to repent of their sins. As I stated earlier, worse

is yet to come. No one will escape. "And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:" (Acts 17:30.)

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