[NFBF-Melbourne] Communion and Comfort

Dean Martineau topdot at gmail.com
Sun May 10 20:11:09 UTC 2020

Hello. I would like to invite you all to a little gathering any Monday,
Wednesday and Friday evening at 7:00. This is a prayer gathering, allowing
us to commune with the Creator in whatever way we choose, and to gain
comfort from that communion and from conversation with others who attend.


So far, most of the prayers are prayers from the Baha'i Writings, but we
invite and welcome people of all faiths and no faith. 


The gathering is held using Zoom. You can phone into Zoom, and if you want
help doing so, let me know and I'll get you the information. Here is the
Zoom information for the computer:



Zoom ID 480-308-8479

password 191919


I hope to see you there.




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