[NFBF-Melbourne] FW: [NFBF-Leaders] It's time for another edition of Sunrise and Shine...this time with Trivia! Thursday, March 25th @ 9:00 AM...RSVP's for this edition will help...see inside for details

Camille Tate ctate2076 at att.net
Tue Mar 23 14:56:11 UTC 2021

For your information. 




From: NFBF-Leaders <nfbf-leaders-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Russell Davis via NFBF-Leaders
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2021 9:00 AM
To: nfbf-l at nfbnet.org; nfbf-leaders at nfbnet.org
Cc: Russell Davis <russell at radiorusty.com>
Subject: [NFBF-Leaders] It's time for another edition of Sunrise and Shine...this time with Trivia! Thursday, March 25th @ 9:00 AM...RSVP's for this edition will help...see inside for details


Good morning to one and all!


If you plan on attending the call this week and want to be placed on a trivia team, please reply to me at: Russell at radiorusty.com <mailto:Russell at radiorusty.com> . This will allow for teams to be put together much more quickly and will get us off to a quicker start. Thanks for the help…now onto the details, please continue reading.


I'm happy to see that Sunrise and Shine with NFB Newsline is settling into its new schedule for 2021 and that fans of the popular Zoom call can plan their schedules accordingly. We'll be gathering on the second and fourth Thursday's of each month beginning at 9:00 AM. This means of course that Rise and Shine will be happening  Thursday, March 25th, (and for those planning ahead, again on April 13th). For those in the know, the April 13th call will occur right around the time of our amazing gathering’s first anniversary…maybe we should have a big birthday bash. Paul and Miranda, do you know anything about planning a birthday party for a one year old?


We hope you will be able to join us for our exploration of NFB Newsline and other related topics. Our discussions about Newsline don't take up all of the time we spend together though, as we still like to share with each other how we're fairing in this time of this real life version of some science fiction movie. On our last call we agreed to broaden the focus of the regularly held calls to include more non NFB Newsline topics and more guest speakers. I’m constantly looking for great topic ideas and would welcome your input. If you have any topics you think would make for a great Sunrise and Shine call, please let me know. Our calls are only successful if we make it a group effort.


This week’s call will mix a bit of business with pleasure. I’m not saying that having Kaye Baker join us to talk briefly about the Federal stimulus payments isn’t a pleasure, but getting money in your hands in the form of an economic stimulus payment is certainly serious business. Kaye will bring us up to date on the ins and outs of the program and will try her best to answer any questions you have. After this portion of the call is behind us, we’ll hop into another truly fun activity, Trivia! We will divide up into teams and challenge each other in pursuit of an imaginary trophy with the words, “Geniuses” engraved onto the plaque at the bottom. Trivia has proven to be one of our most popular activities and so I hope you will find a way to jump in and join us. Don’t forget to brew up a  cup of coffee, tea or kombucha, (although I don’t think  hot kombucha sounds all that tasty to me…on the other hand…pay attention to the word, “kombucha”, you never know when it will be referenced in a trivia contest.


Most of us have become pretty familiar with attending meetings using the Zoom platform over the past year and in fact, we’ve been using Zoom since we launched Rise and Shine last April. If you’re not used to using Zoom or if it’s still giving you difficulties, don’t give up just yet. You can access the meeting by clicking on he below listed web link, by using the one tap mobile feature or by dialing the phone number provided and entering the access code when prompted.


The regulars on our call are always warm and welcoming and are thrilled to see new faces. 


Hope to have you with us tomorrow morning, see below for the Zoom info. The first person caught snoring on the call tomorrow has to buy the doughnuts for everybody, so, stay awake Sherri.


If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me before the call at our NFB Newsline of Florida toll-free support line. Check the bottom of this email for the Zoom call-in instructions. 

Russ Davis, Coordinator
   NFB Newsline of Florida
1-844-827-7371 extension #1
Email: newslinesupport at nfbflorida.org <mailto:newslinesupport at nfbflorida.org> 

NFB Florida Newsline is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Sunrise and Shine with NFB Newsline

Date/Time: Thursday, March 25th, 2021 9:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 961 8489 5393

One tap mobile

+16468769923,,96184895393# US (New York)

Direct dial access phone number
+1 646 876 9923
Meeting ID: 961 8489 5393





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